chapter 42

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Monday came, Darlington was in school early, by his locker he stood with Lyn and Sebastian talking about how they could start their project all over. The crowd of students began to give way for her.

Josephine was in a black jacket and black trousers. She had a white woolly scarf around her neck matching her inner t and vans. Most people brought out their phones ready to take picture. Some were screaming the three deadly words and others scoffed. Josh who was by his locker with Dorothy on seeing this, scoffed with an eye roll. Dorothy pecked him quickly causing him to blush as she ran to her class.

Sebastian told him what happened and for some reason, he already knew she won't give up. She walked over to where the trio's were. She didn't even spare Lyn or Sebastian a glance as she roughly put him against his locker, she was looking down at him. Lyn was beyond raged and Sebastian wished he'd be the one putting him or her against the wall.

The hallway went dead silent. "W-what happened to you?" Darlington stammered. He looked at her with wide eyes. He was shocked. Maybe he went over board by not picking her calls or replying her texts. Her new look was hot but her hairstyle. Her usual hair style was boys length, short and rough. Not side shaved and sleeked back.

"You like boys, I'd be a boy. I'd be whatever you want me to be" Josephine said with a smirk. She seemed proud. Agreed it came as a shocker to most of the students. The news headline was going to be "school's play girl ups her game to get nerd boy"

"T-that's not what i-" Darlington began feeling somewhat responsible for her new look and eerie vibe. I mean, he was responsible. Isabella noticed the commotion and since Alicia was just watching calmly She decided to spice things up.

"Kiss him! Kiss him!" She chanted and as expected Almond went Along, chanting louder than her. I mean, who won't chant along with a star player? Except Lyn, Sebastian, Josh, Alicia and some cheerleaders. Alicia clenched her fists in annoyance.

"Let's give them a scene my precious Querido" she whispered into his ear. Darlington stiffened. His eyes began to water, this was the same as bullying right? This wasn't right right? You shouldn't change like that right?

"Josephine Mathew king!" Alicia said stopping the perfect moment as she weaved through the crowd of students to stand in front of them. Lyn and Sebastian let out a breath of relief that they both didn't realize they were holding. Josephine took a step back from Darlington and faced her best friend.

"He doesn't want you! Don't you see?!" Alicia was fuming. Josh knew things won't be pretty from then on out.

"Oh really? Ok." With that said Josephine pulled Darlington by the elbow and slammed her lips in his. The crowd gasped. What ever relief Sebastian and Lyn felt was flushed down the toilet like a dead gold fish. Josh was shocked.

Josephine forced her tonge into his mouth, not waiting for him to settle with the fact she was forcefully kissing him and also that she was being anything but gentle. She had urges that needed satisfaction and she just won't let him play criss cross with her heart.

She tasted every inch of his mouth. Biting his lip.... Josh had enough, he pulled Darlington away from her roughly. Alicia was in shock. She ran past them and into the girls bathroom. The force Josh used to pull Darlington was enough to make him bleed on his bottom lip. Josephine licked her lips in satisfaction. Darlington pushed through people to get to the boys toilet hand over his lip. Lyn wanted to go after him but Sebastian stopped her.

The bell rang while Josephine and Josh had their stare fest. All students began leaving for class like the event never took place. Josephine eyed Josh.

"Are you insane?" Were the words from Josh with a heavy sigh. Josephine's corcky demeanour slipped once the halls were empty. She leaned against the lockers, her legs going weak. She was tired and her stupid heart won't just pump blood quietly and slower.

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