chapter 56

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Darlington felt he was going overboard. He didn't know what she was going through but she'd tell him in her own time right? And Josh told him she hadn't been eating so after school, he decided to pack for her lunch.

He heard she fainted and was benched from the games and the least he could do was take care of her. He was looking for her after school. He was sure she was just at the court he shrugged holding on to his tray as he searched the school for her. Before long he heard talking. "Everyone is a tease to me love, you know it." Josephine said, turning around, resting against a desk slightly. Darlington watched her. She looked beautiful even with her back to him.

Alicia seemed to look past Josephine. Darlington didn't even know that she was there till they locked eyes. A small almost invincible smirk appeared on her face as she asked "even Darlington?"

Josephine chuckled deeply. Darlington felt curious. He didn't want to announce his presence just yet. He wanted to hear her reply. "Yes. That's how-" she was saying when Alicia cut her short. Darlington paused. He wasn't sure what kind of emotions he was feeling at that point in time and he felt his hands shake. He was scared. They were almost a year into their relationship and she just-

"So what? Bad girl player fell for a geek with glasses? Oh wait, he isn't even that good at maths. Bad girl player fell for a loser" Alicia said. Josephine slammed her fist on the desk silencing her. Darlington also visibly finches from the sound causing him to lose grip on the tray he had in hand

"Don't you-" a sound of a tray hitting the floor made Josephine turn her gaze to see Darlington looking as shocked as ever. What made him turn and run? How could she be so calm when Alicia was talking about him like that? A tease huh?

Josephine turned to follow him shooting a glare at her best friend before running after him. Alicia felt herself clutching onto her chest as she fell to her knees, her knees finally gave up on her, her heart seemed to hurt a lot. She wanted to tell Josephine, wanted to shout after her and scream she did but Josephine was no longer withing earshot. "I'm here!!!!!!"

Darlington didn't earn the fastest runner in their school for nothing. Despite how unfit he might have seemed to be, he was a good runner and he didn't relent in running away from his problems.

Josephine finally found him, she quickly tackled him to the ground of the school yard as they were bathed by the sunset. "What's wrong with you?!" She asked him trying to hold him down. Putting his hands on either sides of him and holding him down Putting more pressure on him as she straddled his waist and was above him.

Darlington didn't feel like listening to reason. He wanted out. He didn't want to be a part of her life anymore. She'd just end up hurting him like she did to everyone. She's done it to Almond, to Sebastian too. He didn't want to join that long list. He found himself kicking and trying to fight his way out of her grip. "Stop! Just stop!" She shouted at him as his chest rose and fell from the amount of deep breaths he was taking in. His face had gone really red and his eyes were glassy. He blew at the stands that found their way into his face, he wanted to look her in the eye and tell her what he had to. His chest rose and fell as he stopped for a bit, catching his breath.

"If I'm just a tease then let me go already!" He shouted at her making her lose her grip on his hands and that was all he needed to get away from her and run all the way home. She had never felt that defeated her whole life. She was weak to the bone. She didn't feel like she could move. Her joints were aching, she laid down on the soft grass till night time came.

She was finally able to move,  after the long rest she stood up. It was 6pm on her phone. She groaned. Something came towards her as she caught it based off of reflexes. It was a water bottle, she looked up to see Alicia smiling softly at her, she returned the gesture as she opened the bottle and gulped it down. She breathed heavily and stood up to face Alicia.

"I don't know what his problem is! I've been trying my hardest for him for so long and he just-" Josephine began ranting causing Alicia to clench her fist.

"Enough" Alicia said slightly above a whisper.

"What?" Josephine asked confused.

"I said enough!" This startled Josephine as she saw her friend looking at her furiously. Alicia marched towards her and pulled Josephine by the collar making their lips meet in a heated one sided passion. Josephine was shocked. She pushed her away.

"What's wrong with you?!" Josephine asked whipping her mouth.

"It's always Darlington this or Darlington that! What is it that you want from him?! I have black hair too! I could get contact lenses! I could act meek! I'm clumsy too! I need to be taken care of too! I've been here for you since we were in middle school! What does he have that I don't?!!!" Alicia was foaming. Josephine just stood there shocked. "He's using you! That boy is probably gay! He's probably using you for popularity so he won't get bullied! I've been hearing rumors of this dude who sometimes picks him up and hugs him casually! You're being played!" Alicia shouted.

"We had a deal." Josephine said calmly and it seemed like Alicia snapped out of whatever trance she was in. Josephine had her hand calmly inform of her trying to reason with her best friend. "Don't you remember it?" Josephine asked looking angry but calm. Alicia couldn't muster any words, she just stared blankly at her feet. "Why are you doing this to me?" Josephine asked her voice slightly broken but she covered it by clearing her throat and walking past her. "Go home it's late" Josephine practically ordered and walked past Alicia.

Josephine stopped at the front of their restaurant, it was still open by the time she got there and she hastely got out of her car going through the back. She waited, and waited, she was almost tempted to pull out a cancer stick but stopped her growing itch by stuffing her hands into her pockets.

"Darl could you take out the trash?!" Josephine heard and she instantly regained her composure when she heard him yell a yes back to his mom.

Darlington opened the back door with a heavy trash bag trying to get it to the dumpster. "Hey" she spoke softly and Darlington almost jumped out of his skin. He rolled his eyes at her as he dumped the bag. "I've been calling and you didn't pick up-" she tried explaining and for some reason she found the need to hide her face by looking down.

"What do you want Josephine?" He asked crossing his hands over his chest. His voice came across as harsh and uncaring. She looked away. Maybe she should walk away with whatever dignity she had left? She did what she was good at doing and put him against the wall. She rubbed the side of his face gently as Darlington fought against leaning into her warmth.

"Darling, I really miss you." She spoke honestly, looking deeply into his eyes. He scoffed at her. And her eyes turned softer "I need you darling, please" she said caressing his cheek as her thumb found it way to his bottom lip. "-please" she said again this time weaker.

"Darl! What's taking you so long?!" A masculine voice called and for all Josephine knew that was definitely not his father. She looked at him confused and he shrugged her off, walking past her and towards the back entrance. There stood the silhouette of a man caressing his cheek.

"Oh and my name isn't darling" Darlington said turning to her and at that point in time she knew that what ever hope she had was gone because our dear Darlington didn't bother to look her in the eye as he said "my name is Darlington."

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