chapter 35

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Darlington woke up the next morning, seeing the jacket hanging, he remembered he had to give it back to her. His eyes widened as he jumped out of bed, throwing on clothes and running out with the jacket before Sebastian could steer in his bed.

He jogged out front with the jacket, seeing a man he remembered as Williams handing a key over to Josephine with that boy from last night.

"Josephine!" He called out going up to her. She had a white fur coat, black leather pants, a white top and a black scarf around her neck hiding a bit of her neck chain that Darlington hadn't seen in a while.

"H-here you go" he said to Maxwell who was wearing the same thing but different colour of light blue mixed with black.

Maxwell smiled at him. "Oh , thanks mate. Almost forgot about that" he said carelessly taking the jacket.

Josephine smiled at him. "You could come to my house to get yours. Or I'd give it to you at school tomorrow?" Darlington just nodded.

She really looked beautiful, her amazing height, her brunnet hair, her Oreo skin, her grey eyes, her dark lips, she looked perfect. He blushed at his own thoughts.

Josephine waved him. "I'd see you later or I'd text you" she said. Maxwell took the cue to get into the passengers front seat.

Josephine opened her arms as she leaned against the car, "You know you want to" she teased and Darlington crossed his arms over his chest pouting.

"No I don't." He protested.

"Yes you do" she teased more dropping her hands and putting them into her pocket.

"No I dont" he was giving in slightly, his tone showed it. She walked to his front, this time opening up her arms.

"Come on, it'll be just like old times." And Darlington looked up at her. Arching a brow. "The last time you left, you didn't even hug me or tell me you were leaving. So in case, im just gonna be taking my hugs anytime I won't see you" she said wrapping her arms around his small body. Giving him warmth as he was oblivious to the cold in the first place.

He heard a loud honk and realised Maxwell was just being annoying.

He didn't realise how cold it was, till she pulled away and waved at him, walking towards the black Mercedes parked neatly with her butler Williams giving her the key.

Darlington sighed, walking back inside to get ready for leaving.


The week was like a breeze, well, if you'd ignore the extensive basketball practices that is. 

It was a Friday, the day of the second match. Darlington went ahead to stand by the support team as they waited the arrival of the silver squad. They were also amazing basketballers containing just boys. The school in General was an all boys school.

Someone in the team made all three stars of royal basketball team cringe. His name? Duke Evens. Well, he was what you'd call a man whore. But the main reason Josephine, Josh and Sebastian didn't like him was because he had tried to hit on each and every one of them on their team.

He went as far as cornering Almond, and even sexually teasing him.

Duke was a tall slender yet muscular guy with perfectly tanned skin and deep green eyes. He had soft chestnut Brown curls that cascaded to his neck.

He had a tooth paste advertisement smile and high cheek bones. He was handsome indeed. But even his team mates seemed to be scared of him.

He winked over at the cheerleaders and Natalie rolled her eyes while the rest swooned. Maybe she and Duke did have history.

After the spectator announced the start of the match, the ball was going from person to person being dribbled and hit and finally the first dunk was by Sebastian who had his blood racing for unknown reasons.

Duke couldn't quite figure out why those three had a guarded look, yes, they were never really friends but they seemed to be looking at him as though he had a bounty on his head and he honestly didn't understand why. Well, that was until he was distracted by a short pony tailed black head who stood by the bleachers, focusing more on his phone than the game. Duke only caught a glimpse before the ball connected to the side of his face (A/N: for those of you who don't already know,the ball for basketball is really hard. That thing could give someone a concussion if hit really hard on the head. Ok I'm just overreacting.)

Duke shook his head eyeing Josh who had thrown the ball at him. Josh gave a mock of an apology quickly blaming him for spacing out. Duke smirked, he already had high hopes since they saw him as a threat.

During half time, Darlington wanted to talk to Josh a little. And to his surprise Dorothy was already there, giving him water and seeing to his needs. Of course Darlington saw this as his best friend and sister getting along.

He found himself gawking at Josephine as she gulped down water from the bottle. The beads of sweat going down her face and the way her lips were parted lightly for the water.

Duke took in his surrounding, he wasn't into girls. Well, except Josephine who he tried his luck but failed. He was into guys. Just guys. You know that prison soap stuff? Hehe, yes, that's what he's into and he found himself licking his lip by just staring at Darlington.

Half way through and Duke was out with a scrape to his knee. He sat on the bench not really caring that he just geoperdised his whole teams formation just to get a proper view of his next snack.

"Sorry for taking so long. May i see where you hurt yourself?" He heard a voice making him snap his head up, he came face to light and even though he was exaggerating the whole thing, Darlington was standing directly under one of the lights which practically added a glow to him.

Duke found himself blown away by the tides of deep blue eyes through glasses, pink moist lips, small nose, and oh boy did he want to f*ck him silly.

He smirked to himself, he knew he was about to do something corny but he didn't care. He spread his legs open while smirking up at Darlington. "I feel like I'm hurting down here"he put his hand grabbing his ******* and continuing "and it seems like only you can put me out of my pain baby boy" Darlington stiffened.

Even with embarrassment crawling to his cheeks he spoke trying to sound nonchalant "I see that ball must have hit your head pretty hard" Duke laughed a little. He was about to try again when a ball came in contact with the side of his face, again. But unlike before, the ball was a soft ball.

"Are you trying to hit on my brother?" A squeaky voice came and Duke rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but now I'm trying to stop my head from bleeding" he seemed annoyed now. Dorothy had just successfully ruined his mood. But she didn't care. She put her hands on her hip, challenging him. "I need medical attention" he whined. He had a playful demeanour around him and Darlington sighed.

He had enough on his plate with Sebastian, Alicia, Lyn, Natalie and his stupid heart refused to stop beating at the thought of the last person whose name he had yet to mention.

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