chapter 43

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Darlington, Lyn and Sebastian arrived her house at 6pm that Monday and she wasn't around. Ofcource Williams did the tour of the house, since Anabelle was finishing up Josephine's home works.

They got started with the mixing of the batter, mixing for a 10 step cake wasn't easy. And by 9, they were done. There were two flavours, velvet and chocolate. And by 9, Josephine came back home looking exhausted.

"You guys are here already... hum, ok, so Anabelle would show you guys to your rooms, knock yourselves out. I'm going to sleep. Good night." Were her words as she left up the stairs. Darlington felt a sting in his chest. She didn't even spare him a glance as she left. She didn't even-

"Come with me" Anabelle said with a bow showing them to seperate guest rooms down stairs.

Tuesday and they had assembled. Josephine left for school without a word. She came home late and went straight to her room. Wednesday, the icing was set. And Thursday, the finishing touches of two swans made entirely of icing sugar. Curtsey of Darlington. Icing flowers cascading down the side of the cake. Darlington changed the two rings to two swans that made a heart shape at while putting the flowers on the side like in the plans.

To be honest, the reason he changed it and did something more challenging, just to get a reaction out of her. He changed it just so she would stop and at least complement his work. And his plan seemed to work.

At least on Thursday Josephine stopped to marvel at the finished piece. That day she was on a dress shirt and suit pants. Her suit jacket draped over her shoulder and her neck tie loose.

She even commented a well done before going up stairs to smoke. She was returning to her bad habits rapidly. Darlington finally found the courage to talk to her. He wanted to apologize. He took the tray from Anabelle as Josephine hadn't been eating.

She was angry more than ever today. Her father had been working her off. Trying to show her how to work for her money and she didn't have a problem with it if she hadn't accidentally walked in on him and his Secretary. Obviously she had played it cool but came home annoyed. He didn't even need the damn house! She could burn it down and he'd only care about his documents.

Empty alcohol bottles littered the floor around her bed and she looked down. Angry. Pissed off. Blood dripping from her right knuckle. Her head down. The thing is, Josephine doesn't drink. Bitter liquid and juices she takes are just strong scented and all. She hardly drank. She hated alcohol. But on days like this, she had no choice. Or at least she thought she didn't. She usually used flings to fill up that empty hole but she abruptly stopped and she somehow didn't remember how to start.

She was surpressing the urge to use Alicia by drinking. Cause Alicia was the only other person she could go on and she would let her. She sighed, puffing out white smoke into the moon lit room.

Knock knock.

"I'm not hungry"

Knock knock.

"Anabelle just leave it on the floor dammit!" She was losing her temper now.

Knock knock.

She angrily sighed and got up from the edge of her bed, going to the door. "Anabelle I told you i-" she stopped herself as she saw Darlington looking up at her in shock. The cigerret stick in between her fingers. She groaned deeply in discontent.

"You smoke?" He asked in shock and she gave way letting him into the room. She rolled her eyes.

"Yes darling! I speak Spanish, I'm left handed and I smoke! Ain't much of a crime now is it Querido?" she spoke. She was trying to control herself. From what? Anger? Irritation? Urges?

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