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Seyeon's POV

"Rraaahhhh!!!", blood splattered on Jeongguk's face as he attacked king Yunki.

Seongho's eyes widened in amusement, "Amazing!!!!"

"Ugh..." Yunki grabbed his chest, blood spilling all over.

Jeemin quickly held him in his arms, "YUN-"

"JIANG!!!!! HOW DARE YOU BETRAY OUR OLD MASTER!!!! YOU BACKSTABBING TRAITOR!!!" I quickly cut off Jeemin before he could shout 'Yunki hyungnim' and guarded him and Yunki while shouting at Jeongguk.

"Impressive, you're quite bold to shout in front of me like that and aren't you way too loyal to your old master?!" Seongho asked me with an expression that I couldn't read.

I saw Jeongguk's eyes getting wide but he quickly composed himself and replied, "Milady, you should apologize to His Majesty. Besides, now we are all under His Majesty's mercy. The old master means nothing to us now!"

I glanced behind me to take a look at Jeemin, who was still holding Yunki in his arms.

I looked at Seongho and knelt down immediately  before things got more ugly, "I-I'm very sorry, Your Majesty! I'm a stupid woman. I didn't understand the true purpose behind your decision! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!" I bowed politely in front of him and begged for his forgiveness.

To my much surprise, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "It would be a shame to punish you. You'll serve as a beautiful gift to emperor Hao so I don't wish to punish you anyways! I'm glad that you understood your mistake! You're forgiven!" He said and turned to face his royal guards.

"Take this merchant's corpse out of here and throw him in the lake!" He ordered.

"Y-yes, Your Majesty!" The guards bowed.

"And prepare for my marriage with this beautiful lady-"

"I WILL NEVER MARRY YOU! YOU ARE EVIL!!! YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND. YOU'RE A MURDERER!!!" Jeemin stood up and yelled. "IS THERE NO ONE WHO CAN GIVE ME JUSTICE???!!!" He looked around the court but everyone had their heads down.


"Enough, my to-be queen! Enough! I know it is hard for you but you yourself know that I can give you a better life." Seongho smirked at him and turned to face Taeheong, "You...eunuch, you can do whatever your master asks, right?" He asked and Taeheong nodded.

"Then persuade her to accept me by this evening or you'll be the next to lose your life! The court is dismissed!" Seongho said and left. The guards carried Yunki away. Jeemin was about to follow them but I stopped him.

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