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Jeemin's POV

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Jeemin's POV

The physician stood there with a shocked face. I didn't know what explanation I should give him.......ugh...

"OH MY GOD......" He fell to his knees and bowed at me.

What the heck is happening?!

I was so shook. Why was an elderly man bowing down to me?

I immediately got up, knelt, and bowed at him more.


"S-sir?" I was shook.

"You're much more educated than me. The heavens have sent you to cure the diseases of the people. Now I can retire in peace."

"H-heavens? R-retire? W-WhAT?"

"Don't worry, I won't say this to anyone. Your sudden arrival in those weird clothes was suspicious, I should've known that you were an angel sent by God Himself to help the people. I am too old to help the people now, that's why I was searching for an assistant so that I could pass my knowledge to him and retire. But now I don't have to worry anymore. The kingdom is in good hands and I can retire peacefully now." He nodded to himself.

I was so confused. What on earth....' angel'? But I decided not to say anything because I do not have a better explanation. I just hope that he doesn't go around spreading things about me being an angel.

"Umm.....physician-nim, please don't tell this anyone that I am an angel, ok?" I smiled at him awkwardly, scratching the back of my head.

"Don't worry, you heavenly being. Your secret is safe with me." He bowed.

"Umm...but you know what? As you just witnessed, my power needs lots of energy. If I keep on using it daily, I might lose my life." I sighed and wished they had some kind of energy drink or something....ugh!

"Well, for that you'll have to meditate, exercise a lot and take this with your meal every day." He handed me a small box from his table.

"What's this?" I opened it and it was having a purple powdery substance in it.

"The warriors use this the gain energy. Have this with your meal every day and it will give you energy. This plant is called the 'ARMY plant' since it's a popular medicine among the royal army. You'll find them in the palace gardens, the flowers are purple. Take the flowers and crush them until they become powder."

"Oh ok." I smiled.

Just then the door flung open and revealed minister Kang.

"The king wants to see Jeemin!" Kang declared

"Why?" Physician asked.

"I think he is impressed by his healing powers," Kang said.

"Good thing! I need to meet the king too and get my resignation decree!"

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