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"Here we go again! From where it all started, seems like this is the place where it all will end too." Jeemin sighed looking around the prison. "But I've faith that His Majesty will understand. I'm sure that minister Kang will do something."

At the court,

"The court of justice shall begin! Bring physician Jeemin!" Yunki ordered after settling down on his throne. After some time, the guards brought Jeemin.

"Your majesty! Here's the prisoner!" 

This time, Jeemin knelt in front of Yunki by himself.

"Here we are again, I still remember how we first met!" Yunki said with an expressionless face and Jeemin gave him a faint smile. "Why are you smiling for no reason?!" Yunki tilted his head and asked. Before Jeemin could say anything, she asked another question, "Do you've anything to say in your defense?"

"I'm innocent and I know that even you know it, your majesty!" Jeemin said calmly.

"Oh? Is that so?" Yunki threw a small vial at Jeemin and it landed on his lap. Jeemin looked at it and then at Yunki.

"Don't give me that questionable look, Jeemin! We found this bottle of poison in your room! Now, do you've to say anything?" Yunki asked and Jeemin was shocked, his eyes widened.

"Y-your majesty, I'll never even think of poisoning you. I didn't do anything. Why would I want to kill the person who gave me a place to live and treated me as his little brother? Somebody is plotting against me."

"Minister of law, tell me what the law says regarding this!" Yunki ordered and a man came forward and bowed to him.

"Don't try to persuade the king with your sweet talks, physician Park Jeemin. The proof is in front of you and who will plot against you? Is there a reason to plot against you? You're the one who plotted and that also against the king!!!!!" The minister of laws said while pointing at Jeemin, he then turned towards Yunki, " Your majesty, the laws say that he is a traitor. His sudden appearance out of nowhere was itself suspicious. He is evil and he should be beheaded and justice should prevail!"

"N-NO!!!!! THESE ACCUSATIONS ARE ABSURD!!!!!!" Jeemin tried to explain with moist eyes.

"We agree with the minister of law!!!! Do justice, your Majesty!!!!!!!!" Other courtiers said in unison.

Yunki glanced at Kang once and then spoke, "Right!! Park Jeemin should be beheaded-"

"I'm sorry, your majesty but I've something to say!" Kang cut Yunki off and Jeemin looked at Kang with hope.

"Minister Kang, there's no reason for you to defend that boy now! Everyone can see that he is the criminal and justice should be done." The minister of the law said.

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