21🌙: I'll heal your heart💫 (Jimin day special 🐥)

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____________________________________________Seongjin's POV

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Seongjin's POV

"W-what? You said that she'll be fine but what is he talking about?" Ahyoon asked me with disbelief, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Yes, she is fine............"


"Seyeon! Seyeon, wake up. I'M SORRY I WASN'T THERE. PLEASE WAKE UP." Jeongguk lightly patted Seyeon's cheeks while tears started to form in his eyes.

I went towards him and checked Seyeon's pulses.

"She is alive." I declared.

"And so are they." Taeheong pointed at the unconscious soldiers.

"Hmm...seems like they were all struck by lighting. Thank God! She's alive. Jeongguk, take her away from here." I said with concern.

Jeongguk kissed Seyeon's forehead, "I-I love you...."

Taeheong brought a horse, and Jeongguk tied Seyeon up with himself and climbed up on the horse.

"Haaaa!!!" He kicked the horse gently and rode away with Seyeon.

"This means mother had intentionally asked me to draw Jeongguk's portrait.........." Taeheong paused to face me, "................to keep him away from helping lady Seyeon?" He gasped and I sighed while nodding.

"But hyungnim, why?" He asked with disbelief.

I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "The reason is the same as it has been throughout all these years, brother!" I looked into his confused eyes. "Look Taeheong, Queen Inhyeon lost all the games...which is very suspicious, and isn't it clear that Jeongguk was kept away from lady Seyeon because mother that he would have come up with a plan to save his lady? Now connect the dots!"

"Mother doesn't want to see Inhyeon and Jeongguk rise to power. She doesn't want to see them happy." Taeheong said, feeling sick to his stomach.

"Exactly! Taeheong, we have seen Inhyeon and Jeongguk getting mistreated every time but not this time! I'll help them!" I clenched my fists.

"Though she is our mother, it is wrong. I'll help you too." Taeheong said keeping a hand on my shoulder.

"But now the concern is, we've to cover up for Jeongguk and lady Seyeon."

Flashback ends

"Ohhh!" Ahyoon sighed with relief. "But the funeral?" She raised a brow.

"See for yourself!" I took her hand and we headed towards the funeral ground together.

"Where is prince Jeongguk? It would have been great if he would have led the ceremony." Namjun looked around for Jeongguk.

"There were some minor revolts in some of the villages. So he went to take care of them, your Majesty." Taeheong came forward and bowed.

"Oh ok!" Namjun believed the story as Taeheong looked at me and I nodded. I looked at my mother who looked way too pleased to be concerned about Jeongguk's whereabouts. Good for us though.

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