37. A Date?

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The detectives worked as usual, the only difference this morning being that two of them were chained together. L sat at his desk watching something on his monitor. Light sat beside him in his older sisters desk, trying not to get irritated by the male beside him who continuously bit at the nail of his thumb.

Usually, Light would expect to see you out and doing work. It was quite unusual that you hadn't yet appeared, making him worry about you a little. Even more today since Misa was chained to you, meaning that you'd have to spend every moment with her. Light worried about that a lot, knowing how both you and his girlfriend were. Turning his attention to L, he huffed a quiet sigh after giving in to not wanting to talk to the raven-haired man.

"Can we check on (Y/n) and Misa?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he leant back in his chair. L sent him a quick glance before returning his attention to his monitor, continuing to bite at his thumbnail.

"Why is it that you worry so much about them? Misa should be fine if she's with Miss Yagami and I trust that she can deal with your girlfriend too," he voiced, pretending not to notice Light's annoyance with him. The brunette furrowed his eyebrows, eyes shifting over to L's monitor.

"Come on, it'll only take a second. Just look at the security camera feed in their room and you can return to what you were doing after," he tried to convince the detective. L's onyx eyes hovered over the security feed tab, his gaze moving between it and the male beside him.

"I suppose we could check," he said, dragging the mouse over to click on the security feed tab. It was then that security camera footage of all rooms within the task force headquarters popped up on the screen, revealing what everyone around the building was doing. It was very invasive but since they had two suspects within the building, it was seen as necessary.

Selecting the specific floor they wanted to view, they scrolled through the rooms until they found the one they wanted to view. They could see the minimized security footage, clicking on it to get it to expand across the screen. There they saw you sitting on your bed with Misa in front of you, the blonde chattering away as she painted your nails.


The blonde girl stared at you with wide eyes and mouth agape, her face expressing just how shocked she was by what you had just told her.

"I can't believe this, you're not lying, right?" she asked, sounding almost panicked for an answer. You nodded your head, trying to keep your fingers away from anything that could potentially ruin your fresh coat of nail polish.

"I'm not lying, Misa," you tried to assure her.

"So you're saying you've never had a boyfriend?!" she announced rather loudly. You hadn't thought too much about it but her reaction made you feel embarrassed. You were well aware that it was normal for people to find a significant other, but you had somehow already come to terms with the fact that you would never find someone like that.

It was common knowledge among the people who knew you that you were quite odd. You didn't express your emotions very much and you were well aware that was a problem. Human's are expressive creatures and even though you were in your twenties, you were still trying to figure all of that out.

"People aren't ever interested in me in that way," you mentioned, knowing that this was only one of the reasons why you had never forged a romantic partnership with anyone. This was another point of insecurity for you, one which you didn't like to touch upon. You were weird but you were still a girl, you worried about your outer image as much as anyone else did. But your moment of self-deprecating soon came to an end when Misa lent forward, clasping your hands within her own.

"I want to try and set you up on a date," she enthused, her expression showing just how excited she was about the idea. You weren't too fond of it yourself but there were already a lot of obstacles in her way, making it easy to avoid the issue without expressing your dislike of it.

"How are you going to do that? I don't know if you've noticed but we're chained together," you pointed out, waiting to see how she would continue to justify her idea.

"Remember, they said that they might let us leave uncuffed as long as you watch me. There's a cafe nearby and I can try to set you up with someone there. I know you're worried about it but I'll find someone great," she enthused, literally bouncing with joy.

Seeing her so happy, you didn't want to ruin her mood. But you were still unsure about this, not sure whether to go along with it or not. Glancing at the blonde before you, it was hard to miss the excited smile she flashed as she continued to try and convince you that it was a good idea.

"Please, please, please. Just give me one chance and that's it, I really want to set you up," she begged, shaking your hands that she was still holding on to. Your entire body moved as she continued to shake your hands around, a sigh slipping from your lips as you gave in.

"Fine, we can ask," you exhaled, earning an immediate hug from the cheerful blonde. She latched onto you tightly before pulling back, her hands resting on your forearms.

"I promise you won't regret this."

It's been a while since I last updated, sorry about that. I really love writing this story and just need to find some time to write more. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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