34. Soothing touch

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The end of your working day was upon you, your eyes drifting to the darkened windows at the visible night sky. After working so hard today, you decided that all you wanted to do was go to bed. There was no guarantee that you would fall asleep, but you were willing to try. You started by cleaning up your desk before standing from your seat.

"I'm finished for today," you called out, making your way towards the elevator. As you approached it, you caught L's eye. Knowing exactly what he was thinking, you pointed to your desk, insinuating that you ahd left something for him there. The raven-haired man slid his chair over, letting his onyx eyes scan the wooden desk for what you had pointed out. They eventually locked onto a yellow sticky note with your handwriting on it.

L let his eyes scour the words, feeling pleased that you had given in to his offer. The note explained how you would leave your door unlocked so he could come up when he was ready. He lifted his head to show you that he acknowledged your note, feeling a little down after seeing that you were already gone.


The elevator doors opened, allowing you to leave the confined space and enter the hallway. Making your way towards your room, you felt your heart speed up in your chest. You were unsure why this was happening, guessing that it was because you felt a little nervous.

Soon L was going to come to your room and be by your side as you tried to sleep. It would only be for a few nights so you thought you could do without anyone being there, but internally you knew that you wouldn't sleep at all if no one was there. So you were thankful that he had offered to do this for you, yet felt down that you needed someone there. It made you feel like a child, like you couldn't do anything without someone else there to help you. It had been like that for a majority of your life, only more recently have you been able to hold your own as the renowned 'A'.

Walking into your room, you began to ready yourself for bed. Slipping into some more comfortable clothing, you positioned yourself on one side of the double bed, pulling your blankets up to your chin. Laying there for a while, you guessed that you would attempt to fall asleep on your own.

This didn't last, your brain refusing to go to sleep.

Reopening your eyes, you let them scan the room for your bag. Spotting it in the corner of the room, you got up and began digging through your clothing. You stopped when you felt something soft brush against your fingertips. Pulling away the bra that lay on top of it, you fished out the teddy bear you had been looking for. It had been a while since you had used it, this fact making you hopeful that this would help you sleep.

Returning to the bed, you slipped back under the covers, hugging the stuffed bear to your chest. It was comforting, especially since your mind drifted back to the origin of the bear. It had been gifted to you by Mr and Mrs Yagami. You remember how they had agreed to take you in, surprising you with what you would describe as a small party. Closing your eyes, you hoped these happy memories would lull you into a deep sleep, but that didn't happen at all.

Continuing to think about it, you remembered how a pink-cheeked Light had presented the bear to you, welcoming you as his new sister. Then how Sayu had gotten upset because she wanted one too, it being difficult for her parents to explain that it was your special day.

Hearing the door open snapped you from your thoughts, returning you to reality. Rolling over, you watched as L approached the bed, taking a seat on the other side of it. His eyes scanned over your figure, noticing how you were tucked in, the top of the bear's head poking out from below the blanket.

"Are you still struggling?" he asked, pulling his legs up so sit in his usual position with his back pressed against the headboard. He watched as you gently nodded your head, looking down after feeling bad about this again. You still hated that you needed someone to help you with this, but then you saw something that caught you off guard.

L's lips curved upward into the faintest of smiles, his hand reaching out to touch you. Unsure of what he was going to do, you were patient, closing your eyes as you awaited his touch. You were surprised to feel his hand gently pet the top of your head, the soft touch making you noticeably relax.

"Does this help?" he asked, lifting his hand, readying it to take it away if you were to say no. You glanced up at his hand longingly, missing the reassuring feeling his touch gave you.

"Yeah," you whispered. After receiving your answer, his hand returned to the top of your head, soothingly petting it. L observed as you nuzzled your face into your pillow, taking in how cutesy you were acting. Here you looked so vulnerable and sweet, quite different from the front you would put up whilst working. It really interested him, making him even more curious about you.

"Take as long as you need," he said, his hand changing its movements. Rather than petting your head, he began brushing his fingers through your hair, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt sleep drawing nearer.

"Thank you," you mumbled, finally being able to drift off to sleep.


Your eyes shot open, quickly sitting up as you breathed heavily, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. Looking around in a panic, you took in the view of your surroundings, noticing the rows of bookshelves. Hearing the sound of footsteps, you lifted your head to see someone approaching. You knew him, it was Akio.

He approached you with a worried expression, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. You watched his hands as he made various hand signs with them, asking if you were okay. You were quick to nod, still feeling shaken up by your dream.

Akio signed once again, asking you if it had been a nightmare.

"Y-yeah," you choked out, shaking gently. But you seemed to calm down under Akio's touch, his arms helping to lower you back onto the mattress. 

"Everything is okay, go back to sleep," he signed. You nodded, calming down completely after feeling him beginning to pet your head. That feeling seemed to clear your head of all doubt and worry, allowing you to fall back into a peaceful sleep.

I'm happy to be back and writing some more of this book since I look forward to how it will progress further. Also, there's a big jump from when Akio is able to speak and where he uses strictly sign language. If you weren't able to pick up on it, something happens which causes him to lose his ability to speak. I'll delve into that later :)

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