20. Strange reactions

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The car took you back to the task force building, Kerrick seeming happy about what you could only assume was your previous conversation. He was very for you going out and finding someone, he liked to talk about it a lot despite him not having any interest in finding anyone for himself.

When you pulled up in front of the building, Kerrick turned and looked back at you.

"Go ahead, I'll park the car around the side." You did as he asked and left first, watching as the car drove off, turning and leaving your line of sight. Once he was gone, you decided to head up by yourself, he would eventually make it back himself. You had gotten permission for him to stay in the tower just as long as he didn't get in the way of others working there.

You entered through the front door, sending a nod to the receptionist before you entered the elevator. Heading up to the floor where the others were, you couldn't help but remember what L had said to you over the phone. He wanted you to stay up on the night shift with him. You had no problem accompanying him throughout the night but wondered why he asked you. L usually did the night shift alone since he rarely slept.

At first you had wondered if he didn't sleep at all but were proven wrong once discovering that he would occasionally take hour long naps, that being it for his sleep. He didn't get enough sleep and that was evident by the dark circles around his eyes, but it didn't bother you. He seemed to better work than anyone else even though he ran only on the sweets he was constantly eating. He was a strange man, not fitting in with the others, reminding you a lot of yourself. You didn't have the same quirks but you both had weird things you did that made others raise a brow to.

The elevator stopped at the floor you had pressed and opened with a ding, attracting the attention of the task force members. When Mr Yagami noticed you, his lips curved upward into a happy smile.

"How did it go?" he asked, stopping to look down at you. It seemed that he still wasn't used to your new appearance. You looked back at him, meeting his gaze through his glasses.

"I have come to the conclusion that the woman we suspected to be the second Kira is innocent and has no relation, or at least one which is unknown, to either of the Kira's," you explained. A scoff came from behind the chief, Aihara stepping out and sending you a glare.

"So you wasted the night at a club and got nothing, useless girl."

"Aihara," the chief scolded. Aihara clicked his tongue and walked back to his work station, hands shoved deep into his pockets. You watched as he walked away, Mr Yagami heaving a loud sigh as he watched the man walk away.

"I am unsure why he is bitter about you being here and I apologize for his behavior." You shrugged your shoulder and looked past him, noticing that a raven-haired man on the other side of the room was staring at you. Once your eyes met, he lifted his hand and waved at you, a tiny smile on his face. It lifted your mood, making you walk past Mr Yagami and focus on the ravenette. L pet your seat which was situated next to his, sliding a plate with a piece of cake on it in front of the chair. You got what he was hinting to and took a seat, looking down at the piece of cake.

"Is this for me?" you asked, wanting to ensure that was what he was saying.

"Yes, I saved it for you." You couldn't help but smile lightly as you moved forward in your seat, pulling the cake closer on the table. The slice of cake was most likely vanilla, you taking that from the pale color within. In the center was a mixture of cream and strawberries, the dessert topped with a white icing and more strawberries. Taking the fork from the table, you cut a small piece of cake off and ate it. The sweet taste lightened your mood even more but something was distracting you, it was the fact that L was watching you.

"Is something wrong?" you asked him, putting the fork down in hopes that you hadn't offended him. He shifted his chair a little closer and looked around before speaking quietly.

"Do you partake in people watching?" he asked, his dark eyes boring deep into your own (e/c) ones. Averting your eyes, you nodded.

"Ah, yes but it is a bad habit of mine," you admit, feeling a little embarrassed by confessing that to someone. Watching others was something considered creepy and an invasion of privacy. During your youth you would sit and watch people live their daily lives without them knowing, it was a strange hobby but became useful for your job. With all of the information you had gathered, you could piece together behavioral characteristics that would make your characters more realistic.

L hummed as he continued to watch you, pushing the cake plate a little closer to you as if to urge you to keep eating.

"I happen to do it as well, but with you I find it quite interesting to watch because you don't act how others necessarily would," he pointed out. He reached up and poked your cheek, watching as you blinked a few times before taking another bite of cake as if it hadn't happened. L lent his chin on his knees and kept his eyes on you.

"What strange reactions," he thought aloud. You continued to eat the slice of cake, not stopping even when he lifted his hand and pet your head. He expected his hand to be rejected but it was welcomed instead, your head leaning more into his touch.

"You're like a cat." You raised an eyebrow, lifting your hand up to your mouth and nose to try and stop the laughter which desperately wanted to get out. It had been a while since you had felt the urge to genuinely laughed and you enjoyed it.

"I am somewhat like a cat," you agreed, giggling quietly. L watched you a lot more intensely, leaning in closer as if that would improve his ability to read  your feelings. In the end, he pulled back completely and turned towards the large monitor in front of him.

"Very unusual," he whispered to himself, typing something into the computer. You took this time to finish the piece of cake, awaiting L to do something else. Like yourself, he had strange reactions and acted in ways which were difficult to predict.

L finished typing and turned his attention back to you, pulling your chair closer so that it was right next to his.

"Let's write tonight's report together," he suggested, looking at you as if to ask permission. You nodded and watched as he pulled his keyboard closer, readying his fingers to type.

"Tell me what happened from the beginning."

I like the idea of L liking someone and acting in a very strange way, not knowing how to properly understand and convey his feelings. So far I would say that he is very fond of her, heading down the track of romantic feeling but only the beginning of that. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you :)

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