42. Date

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Misa and Kerrick wasted no time when they were together, talking and sharing their favourite things. They were having so much fun doing so that time passed quickly, and they would've loved to spend even more time together. But Misa was not missing out on this date, getting super excited for it. She currently stood by the bathroom sink, applying makeup, forcing you to be there since you were handcuffed together.

"How does it look?" the blonde asked Kerrick, letting him inspect her make-up. He crouched down to her height to take a look, squinting a little to see any flaws.

"It's good, I'd just shape your right eyebrow a bit more," he critiqued. Hearing his advice, she turned towards the mirror and inspected it, her eyes widening after spotting the problem.

"God, I'd be so embarrassed if Light saw me like this," she whined, quickly fixing it up before smiling happily at herself in the mirror. Her gaze then shifted to you, looking you up and down as you slouched in your usual clothes.

"We're going on a date, are you going to wear that?" she asked, sounding annoyed by your choice. You nodded your head, earning a chuckle from Kerrick.

"Don't worry about it, Misa. She's always been like that, just leave her be." Hearing him say that, the blonde brushed it off and didn't let it bother her any further. Heading out of the bathroom, you followed and walked to the door with her.

"We planned to meet them on the top floor at 5 pm and it's 5:15," you told her, wanting her to realise that her mucking around had caused you to be late. She smiled happily as she led you to the elevator, not looking bothered that you were late.

"We're gonna be fashionably late, don't worry so much about it. Why do you even care about arriving on time for this anyway? Me and Light are going on the date, the only other person who's gonna be there is L," she asked, looking a little annoyed at the mention of the detective. Giving a firm tug on the handcuffs, Misa turned to look at you with an annoyed look.

"L is my friend," you told her, not wanting her to speak badly about him. You were well aware that he could be a bit odd but knew that he meant well. He'd been very sweet to you since you started staying here in the task force building. Some things had happened between the two of you that you found confusing, but he never brought those things up, so you never dwelled on them. You assumed it was just the mix of your abnormal personalities that created these situations, this was the only logical conclusion you could come to.

The elevator reached the top floor, revealing a long hallway similar to those on the other levels. Except this floor was a lot smaller, there only being a few doors you could enter. You assumed that was because there was also a helicopter pad up here, limiting the indoor space for the top floor. The sound of a door opening caught your attention, making yourself and Misa turn to see who it was. Watari opened one of the doors, spotting us immediately. Opening it all the way, he held it open and gestured for us to come inside.

"L and Light are waiting for you," he announced, keeping his gaze lowered as he held the door. Misa hurried over, dragging you along behind her as she approached the door. Walking through, she squealed at the sight of Light sitting on one of the couches. L sat beside him, crouching in his usual sitting position. Seeing that we were now there, Light was quick to stand and greet us. L remained seated, not needing to move since Light couldn't get far as Misa rushed at him. Throwing herself into his arms, she didn't pay any mind to the weight on her wrist, pulling you along with her. With her arms flying around her boyfriend, you were yanked forward, not being able to stop yourself from crashing. You tried your best to stop yourself, but it was no use, your body being thrown onto the couch where L was sitting.

You groaned from the pain in your wrist from the handcuff, not so much from the collision. Opening your eyes, you found yourself face to face with a very confused L. You were so close that your noses were nearly touching, Misa and Light still unaware due to their lingering embrace. You tried to pull back, memories of the kiss you'd shared with L coming to mind. But as you tried to pull back, Misa leaned even further into your younger brother, making the young Yagami fall backwards onto the couch beside yourself and L. The force pushed you even further into the raven-haired man, your arms on either side of his head, stopping yourself from getting too close. But since the force was too strong, you knew you wouldn't be able to stay like this for long. With your arms giving in, you quickly manoeuvred your head to the side so your head went over his shoulder, your forehead pressing into the back of the couch.

Light was the first of the pair to notice that something was up with you and L, turning his head despite the excited blonde the occupied his arms and lap. Turning his head, he was surprised to see yourself and L in a very compromising position. You sat in his lap with your hands on his chest, your head now resting on his shoulder from your attempt to stop your faces from getting too close.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Light questioned, raising his voice in annoyance. Not wanting him to overreact, you were quick to push yourself off of L and stand back up. Misa soon released her boyfriend, curious about what had happened during her embrace.

"What happened?" the blonde asked innocently, looking confused after receiving a cold look from you. Glancing down at the chain that connected your wrists and then back up at her, you heaved a loud sigh. Lifting your chained wrist, she paid attention to the bright red ring that marked your wrist. She had one too, only realising it now that she could see it.

"Oh, sorry," she vocalised. Wanting to get this started now, you turned to see that there was another couch sitting opposite the one L and Light occupied. Tugging gently on the chain, you lead Misa over to the couch and sat down with her. Leaning back in your seat, you looked across at the two males that stared silently at yourself and Misa.

You weren't looking forward to this 'date' but you were curious about how it would play out.

Sorry, it's been so long since I last updated, I'm really looking forward to writing the next parts so hopefully, I won't take too long to put them out. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This part only loosely follows what happens in the anime/manga :)

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