7. Light

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Light left his class and met up with a few friends on the way out, the group heading out to grab lunch. He hadn't had time for breakfast that morning so he was starving. His eyes moved ahead to where two girls in his group walked, discussing class for a while until they eventually began ranting about their older siblings.

"My older sister is so annoying, all through middle school and high school all she did was bother me. She always tried to embarrass me in front of my friends too," she expressed, puffing out her cheeks as she remembered it. The other girl giggled.

"Oh please, my older brother was worse than that. He was only one year older so he constantly annoyed me at school and even stole and ate my lunch from time to time." The two of them laughed as they shared embarrassing stories, not noticing that Light was watching and listening to everything.

At one point, the first girl turned and met his gaze, realizing that he had been listening in on them. Her cheeks heated up but she brushed it off, asking him a question to defuse the awkward situation.

"Do you have any older siblings, Yagami-kun?" she asked sweetly, trying to include him. He nodded, smiling back at her.

"Actually yeah, an older sister." The girl that walked beside him, Mayu, raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? I didn't know you had on older sister, I only though you had Sayu." Light nodded again.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in a long time but she sends me letters every few weeks. She left when I was about 9, I haven't seen her in person in about 10 years," he explained. The rest of the group seemed interested in this, one of the boys walking behind him, poking him between the shoulder blades.

"What's she like? This is the first time I've ever heard of her." Light chuckled, keeping his eyes ahead so he didn't meet anyone's gaze.

"She was really nice and took care of me all of the time. She also spent a lot of time playing with me because I was always annoying her. Even though she's not my biological sister I see her as my sister anyway." The conversation continued with his friends asking questions, one of the girls in the front accidentally crashing into someone who was walking in the opposite direction. The girl fell back, Light catching and helping her to her feet.

"Hey man! Watch where you're going!?" One of Light's friends called from behind him at the person who had been crashed into. Light looked up and was met with the sight of someone dressed in an over-sized hoodie and ripped jeans. By their small frame it was hard to decipher much about them, their face hidden behind the hood they wore. They bowed their head in silent apology before trying to walk off. But before they could get away, the guy who had called out to them firmly grasped them by their shoulder. The contact caused them to flinch and freeze up, this obviously brought them great discomfort.

"Apologize to her properly, freak," he growled, enjoying the power he had over the smaller figure. Light glared back at his ''friend', they weren't actually close and Light didn't particularly like him.

"Leave it, Yanagi." The guy shrugged his shoulders and let the person pass, the group watching as they hurried off.

"Have you ever seen them before?" Mayu asked Light, arching her neck to get a better look. The others all replied saying that they had never seen the person before, the two girls in front worrying that the person wasn't scared by Yanagi, who grunted in annoyance. Light however, couldn't help but be curious about them. Who were they and why were they there?


Mr Yagami sat at his desk and typed away into his computer, having a long list of people he needed to send emails to. Even though there was barely any evidence collected recently, there was a tonne of work to do and as the Chief, a lot of it was put on him.

Matsuda walked over to him, taking a seat by his side. He didn't say anything but his presence annoyed Mr Yagami, especially since he could tell that the younger officer had a question. 

"Ask and then go back to work," he grumbled. Matsuda's face lit up.

"Huh oh, right. Well I was wondering how you were able to adopt Miss Yagami, I mean you already had two children, surely your wife wouldn't be too pleased." Mr Yagami sighed as he lent back, taking a break to clean his glasses.

"It wasn't easy, I started off asking, basically begging but she always said no. Then we had an incident where Sayu met her, our little Sayu fell in love with her instantly. But the thing which set the whole of it off was when Light met her. Oh how that boy loved her, he wouldn't shut up about her after they met. After constantly hassling her, my wife gave (Y/n) a chance and she immediately fell in love with her too. It was hard not adopting her after that, so we did it and everyone was pleased," he explained. Matsuda nodded along as he listened to the story.

"Wow, how old was she then?" he asked.

"About twelve, she was an insanely bright child so after spending 3 years at school she went off to university when she was fifteen. Haven't really seen her since then, she'd write the occasional letter though. It upset everyone but she needed to be let go, after everything that happened to her... I don't think that she could ever live a normal life," he muttered the last part quietly, Matsuda only barely picking it up.

"What happened?" he pressed. Mr Yagami returned his glasses to the bridge of his nose and heaved a long sigh.

"Nothing of importance, now, please go back to work. We don't have the time for leisurely chats at the moment." Matsuda did as their chief asked and returned to his computer to finish up his work.

Happy to get some Light in there and once we have him in fully, we will return to the main point which is (Y/n) and L. The best detective in the world and the best undercover agent. Really want to show off the reader's past and character but we'll just have to wait for that ;) Thanks for reading

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