21. Confinement

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"I don't believe that would be a very good idea Aihara," L warned, staring up at the man who stood before him. The older male let his eyes wander to where you sat, asleep with your head resting on the shoulder of the detective beside you. He didn't seem to mind you being there at all, keeping you close and comfortable.

"Everyone is up and working, what excuses her from doing the same?" Aihara argued, glaring at your sleeping form. L seemed to pull you closer in a protective embrace, his eyes almost daring the older male to do something. Aihara hesitated, watching as you adjusted yourself in your sleep, bringing yourself closer to L's warmth.

"Miss Yagami was working hard while everyone else was asleep after I asked her to accompany me for the night shift. I allowed her to rest to improve her efficiency and the quality of her work," L excused, eyes shifting to look down at your sleeping figure. He noticed a piece of hair had moved into your face, being quick to carefully move it aside and tuck it behind your ear.

"Chief, are you going to allow this?" Aihara called out, gathering the spectacled male's attention.

"Allow what?" he asked, looking between L and his underling. The curly-haired man gestured to the detective who held his sleeping daughter. Despite his fatherly instinct to separate them, he didn't. He knew that you were a lot different from his other daughter, you found difficulty in connecting with others and this was the closest he had seen you to anyone. Chuckling, he placed his hand on Aihara's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Don't worry about it, she's sleeping so soundly and I don't have a doubt that she'll get back to it when she's ready. Besides, I don't think I've ever seen her sleep so soundly before. She's either tossing and turning or not sleeping at all, poor thing. Give her a break, Aihara," the chief sighed, taking one last look at you before he returned to his desk to finish his paper work. L used the time while he held you to think, running through all of the information they had gathered so far. But he kept getting distracted by thoughts of what had happened the previous night.

He had told you about his thoughts of holding Misa Amane to see if they could get any information out of her. L mentioned how it would be easier to break someone like her and that it would possibly get Light to come forward, using their relationship to his advantage. But he also said this one on one to see how you would react. He was interested in how you would feel about it, confining a suspect in such a harsh fashion with the chance of harming your brother's feelings. He acted like he really liked the Amane woman but L was unsure whether it was an act or not, the two seeming attached at the hip in the surveillance footage he had seen of them together.

Once you had fallen asleep, he had contacted people to arrest Misa Amane and L was sure that she would be held by them currently. Hearing a buzz from a mobile phone which sat on the desk, he picked it by its corners before answering.

"Yes?" he called.

"We have Misa Amane and the cameras are set up," A voice from the other side informed the detective. L hummed as he thought, looking around the room for any sign of Light. Lucky for him, the teen had only just come down to the investigation room. He currently stood with Matsuda, the two of them discussing something.

"Thank you, we'll begin the interrogation shortly." The call was ended, L returning the phone to the desk as his eyes drifted down to your sleeping figure. Gently tapping your shoulder he was able to wake you. Your eyes fluttered open, immediately noticing the position the two of you were in.

"Sorry," you apologized, bowing your head to the detective as you made a small amount of distance between two chairs. He watched as you straightened yourself up, cheeks tinted a light pink.

"You're welcome to sleep after this, but I would like to get your reaction of this." You nodded and watched as L began typing into the computer in front of him. He pulled up live feed from a dark room in which a restrained and blindfolded Misa Amane resided. Watching her mouth move, you could tell that she was calling out for help. You'd imagine that she would be confused, especially since she couldn't see her surroundings.

L turned on the sound and made the live feed be shown on the larger screens, catching the attention of the other task force members. Mr Yagami had given permission for the confinement of Miss Amane so there was no problem, but the others were unaware of this happening.

"Why is Misa there?" Light panicked, rushing over to the screen to see what was going on. Mr Yagami sighed and approached his son, placing his hands on his shoulders in an attempt to calm him.

"Misa Amane is a suspected of being the second Kira, why wouldn't we hold an interrogation?" L asked Light, watching as the brunette's face showed a mixture of anger and concern. L's nonchalant attitude was pissing him off, but he couldn't help but worry for the woman who continued to call out. You noticed the way he looked and made sure to catch his gaze.

"You have nothing to fear if Miss Amane is innocent, this is only temporary," you assured him. He took a step towards you, engulfing you in a tight hug. You were unsure if it was genuine, finding it difficult to figure out whether he was faking his love for Misa or not. During the party, you had noticed the love struck look in her eyes while he didn't look as if he cared that much.

Wanting to be there for him anyway, you wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back as he began shaking. Since you genuinely cared for his well-being, you held him tighter and closer to yourself. Pulling away, you made him sit down on a couch and crouched in front of him.

"Would you like something to drink, Lightbulb?" you asked softly, trying to take his mind off his girlfriend despite the live feed still playing on the screen. He shook his head, resting his head in his hands, remaining silent.

Seeing him so down like this was new, you had never seen him in such a low state. While you had stayed with him and his family, he was always so happy around you, doing his best to show off. Back then he was just an innocent child wanting the attention of his older sister, but now Light was a lot older and very different than how you remembered. He acted strangely, doing things that always put him in the light as if he could never be associated with anything dark. It was too good to be true and if he was Kira, he was doing an amazing job at dodging every piece of evidence that could possibly lead to people thinking it was him. But you were sure that despite Light being one of the only people that you cared for, that he had some relation to Kira.

I was wondering if I should keep in the confinement part but here we are. I've changed the story up a little in my head but the outcome will still be the same. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading :)

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