15. Kerrick

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You stared down at your phone as you waited. It was going to ring in a moment, you were expecting a call. It was from someone who you worked with and had done so for a little over a year. They may not have had the best reputation where they were from but they knew what they were doing, having talent in fields which you didn't. Sure, you could create the character, the personality, voice and background information which people would check up on to make sure you were telling the truth. But you didn't know much about fashion or what they would wear, clothing which corresponded well with the character you would create.

This person was very talented and only you had been able to see this. People looked down on them just as they had done to you, you got along and could relate to each other. The two of you were outcasts in society but that just gave you more to have in common, because of all of your flaws the two of you had become good friends. You were proud of that fact, you had been able to make another friend... your second friend after Akio.

The phone started to vibrate in your hand, snapping you out of your thoughts. It was startling but you brushed that aside and answered, lifting the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" you called, waiting to hear his voice.

"You ready to let me up?" he asked, his deep voice sounding somewhat feminine. You hummed in response, turning to Mr Yagami who sat not too far away from you. You had asked for his permission first before inviting your friend to the task force building. Aihara complained as per usual but you were able to ignore this.

You sat back in your chair and let your eyes drift to the elevator.

"You coming up now?"

"Be there in a sec, sweetheart." He then hung up, leaving you to slide your phone into your pocket and wait a little longer. You watched as the number above the elevator changed with each level it climbed, getting closer and closer to where you were. And before you knew it, there was the ding which you knew all too well.

The doors opened revealing someone that you missed. You found that when you were close to someone and considered them a friend that you tended to miss them when you were away from them. And you saw no problem with that, you actually liked the feeling because you knew that when you saw them again you would feel happy. Excited, like a dog when their owner returned home for the day. It had only been a week or so since you had seen him but you liked him a lot, you would consider him to be your best friend.

He stepped out and all eyes were on him as he did. In a room full of pale-skinned Japanese and English people he definitely stood out. His skin was a dark, chocolatey brown which was only one of the reasons why he stood out. His long hair was pulled back into a pony tail, the right side of his shaved beneath. On his face he had a ring on his lip and a stud in his nose, his brown eyes matching well with his skin tone. He caught everyone's attention as he entered, his heavy shoes causing his footprints to be significantly louder than anyone else's.

He wore black, skinny jeans and a very long button up shirt with the sleeves pushed up, reveling his right arm which was covered in tattoos. He was a sight for the task force members, not looking like the kind of person they expected you would be working with. You had told them that he had amazing talent for design and art, but that was all.

"Yo, (Y/n)," he called out, opening his muscular arms up to you. You didn't hesitate to run to him, allowing him to envelope you in a hug. Being very fond of the larger man, you found no problem in showing your affection for him. In your eyes, he was not a romantic interest but the two of you were very close. You had shared you inner most personal thoughts and feelings with him and he had done the same. You trusted him more than anyone else.

The task force members all stood before you, watching the exchange. He released you, raising his head and meeting the gaze of other men. He was a lot taller than the others, towering over them like some kind of giant.

"It's nice to meet you all," he greeted, speaking the small amount of Japanese that he knew.

"My name is Kerrick, I work with (Y/n)." You watched as Mr Yagami was the first to take a step forward and greet Kerrick with a bow, smile and handshake.

"Nice meeting you as well, Kerrick. I hope that you've been taking good care of my daughter," he joked. The two laughed as the other task force members watched in curiosity and a small amount of fear. Sure, Kerrick was a big guy but he was a pacifist. He hated violence and even worried over you going out and doing dangerous things, mothering you like a incapable baby. But you knew that was just the way that he was. He was quite feminine for a man and had gone through many hardships while growing up not only in a community of narrow-minded dickheads but also a religious family which saw his more feminine behavior as signs of homosexuality. And even though he acted in such a flamboyant and feminine way, he was not gay. In fact, he actually had no sexual interest in anyone.

Kerrick greeted the others, L even coming over to meet him. The others worried about it but he seemed to trust in Kerrick, saying something which surprised you.

"If this person works with Miss Yagami then I trust them, I trust her judgement in people and will happily meet with them."

It was kind of him to say and L usually acted more on logic than emotions so it made you wonder about him. He seemed to have what some would refer to as a soft spot for you and he had even admitted his fondness which you would say is mutual. You looked up to him because of his amazing prowess and ability to solve cases and you didn't doubt he would solve this one.


After everyone became friendly with Kerrick, you called him over to you. Him rushing over, Light coming along too since he was going to accompany you to the party.

"So, Kerrick was it?" Light asked, switching to English since he knew that was the language the other male was more comfortable with.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Kerrick is my first name, I also go by Kerry or Ricky. Which ever you want." He was overly friendly, immediately changing how the others saw him. But Aihara was stubborn, not even giving him his name due to his affiliation with you.

"Ok, so Kerrick what is it exactly that you do for my sister?" Kerrick smiled down at you, placing his large hand on top of your head. It was a habit of his and you didn't mind so you usually left it.

"She doesn't have a very good eye for fashion so I match outfits with her character. She let me know that she's going to be playing your positive and popular older sister so I came up with an outfit that will match that perfectly," Kerrick said, his voice showing just how excited he was about this. He played with the strap of the bag he had resting on his shoulder, desperately wanting to get it open and the clothes onto you.

"Ready to dress up?" he asked, trying to contain his excitement. You nodded and allowed him to drag you into the elevator and up to you room to try on the clothing he had brought. He was good at his job so you trusted in his ability, so much so that you would put on whatever he had even if you were unsure about it. Everything he had given you worked 100% of the time, he had made no mistakes while working under you. And this was a big change from when he was back in his home town, barely making enough money to stay in the shitty apartment he was living in. With loud neighbors, an asshole of a landlord and kids on the street who used to hurl obscenities at him.

You were able to change his life and it made you feel happy that you were able to do so. You both came from dark pasts and even though they were so different, you could relate to each other. That was why the two of you were so close, because you could understand the pain and suffering. And there was no shame when it came to the two of you, only pride.

You were fine with being outcasts, the two of you had come to terms with it and with having such an amazing friend you were content. Kerrick was a good person and you were thankful that he was your friend.

I love the idea of Kerrick, if you have any questions about him feel free to ask them. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed :)

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