40. Planning

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As soon as you returned to the task force building, Misa was quick to remove her disguise to reveal her usual appearance. After taking a moment to fix her hair in the reflection of the window, she turned to you with an excited smile.  You knew that as soon as she saw the others she wouldn't be able to be quiet about what had happened at the cafe. She desperately wanted to share what had happened, not being able to shut up about it while you walked back.

Entering the elevator, you watched her in the corner of your eye. She bounced happily on her feet, not being able to stand still. But she was quickly relieved when you reached the floor where everyone else was working. The metal doors opened with a ding, drawing the attention of the detectives. You knew that they would be interested in what had happened, it was odd that you and Misa were allowed to be unhandcuffed and be let out unsupervised. Stepping out of the elevator, Light was the first to approach you and Misa, L being dragged behind him.

"You look happy, did something happen?" Light asked Misa, turning his gaze towards you to see if you harboured a similar excited expression. You didn't.

"Oh my god! You won't believe what just happened. We went to the cafe and I was sooooo sure that there would be a tonne of hotties there but bleh, they were all old people and families. But then this cute mystery guy comes over and pays for our drinks and then starts talking to (Y/n). I was like whhhaaatt because he was totally into her. He came and sat with us and they had sooo much in common. I was surprised because, no offence, but your sister is a little weird. And they were talking about sign language and stuff, then he had to leave which was sooo sad. I think they could've kept talking for another hour if they had the chance. But he got her number so they might actually go on a date!" Misa ranted, not holding back any details. Light looked surprised by her words, directing his attention to you to see if it was true.

"You know you don't have to go on a date with him if you want to, don't let Misa force you into anything," he said, petting your shoulder. Misa pouted after hearing her boyfriend say that about her, watching the two of you in the corner of her eye.

"It's fine, Light. She didn't force me into anything," I assured him, not wanting him to worry about it. But it was true, I hadn't forced myself into anything and actually enjoyed talking to Yuuto. Hearing that, Light offered a kind smile as he reached out to pet your head.

"It was so stressful being in disguise. We pretended I was mute so I didn't reveal my voice and Yuuto started trying to sign at me like I knew sign language, but (Y/n) was really quick at coming up with an excuse for it. But I was really surprised that she knew sign language," Misa cut in, wanting the attention on herself again.

"I'm not surprised that she has good on the spot thinking, but I didn't know (Y/n) knew sign language," Mr Yagami said, approaching the three of you. You lifted your head to look at him, taking in the proud smile on his face.

"How did you come to learn it?" he asked looking genuinely interested.

"I had a friend who suddenly wasn't able to speak so I learnt it with him," I told him, not having a problem with disclosing that information. But I froze up after hearing his next question.

"When was this?" he asked innocently. Hearing that, your body tensed up. You were glad that it was only Mr Yagami asking since he quickly picked on your discomfort and knew exactly when it had happened.

Once you had left that place a long time ago, you hadn't really spoken about it freely. You answered the questions that the police had for you since you knew that information would help the other kids and it did. But other than that you never spoke about it, the only thing from back there that you ever dared to mention was Akio. He was the only good thing about that place, he was your comfort and safety.

"Right, it's not really that important. Anyway, let's put your handcuffs back on and then you can go up and see Kerrick," he said, changing the subject. I gave an acknowledging nod, beginning to follow him over to his desk. Misa and Light trailed behind, L silently walking behind Light. He had been so quiet that I had barely him, only now realising that he had started staring at me again.

You listened to the three walk behind you, hearing Light and Misa's conversation. It was mainly Misa fussing over Light but L eventually joined the conversation, Misa not being too happy about it. She didn't hesitate to argue with the detective, expressing her annoyance.

"Damn, I hate these cuffs. I'm not allowed to be alone with Light since you're attached to this guy," she whined, offering her wrist to Mr Yagami.

"Do you not mind being attached to (Y/n)?" Mr Yagami asked as he handcuffed the two of you together again. The blonde shook her head, offering a wide smile.

"Why would I be? It means I get to be with my best friend all the time, the only problem is him," she said, pointing her finger at L. The slouched male didn't look bothered by her comment, his gaze shifting to you. You held his gaze in silence for a moment, being reminded that you hadn't spent much time with him since you were handcuffed to Misa and him to Light.

"Let's go on a date," Misa suggested to Light, the teen looking awkward after hearing her.

"Are you sure? It won't be just the two of us, L and (Y/n) will be there too," he reminded her, looking at myself and L. Misa nodded her head, not looking like she cared anymore.

"It's fine, we can spend time together and those two can hang out," she said, the idea of going on a date with Light making her not as bothered by the fact that you and L would be there.

"Sure, let's do it later tonight," he said, looking happy that the two would be able to spend some more time together.

"Great, now me and (Y/n) are gonna go upstairs. See ya!" Misa called out, bidding goodbye to Light before hurrying towards the elevator.

L lifted his hand to wave at you before you were dragged away. You offered a wave of your own, it being short since Misa was eager to get to the elevator. The doors closed just as you entered, the elevator, beginning to head up to the floor your bedroom was on. But during your ride up the elevator, your phone started ringing in your pocket. You pulled it out and saw Kerrick's name on the screen, Misa saw it too, reading it out loud.

"Kerrick? Who's that? Mr Yagami said that name before," she recalled. I nodded as the elevator doors opened, taking a step outside.

"You'll meet him soon and I'm sure you two will get along."

I know it's been a while but here's the next chapter, I really enjoyed writing it. Not too much happened but now there's a little date set up. We'll see how that goes later, also Misa will meet Kerrick. I feel like they'll get along :)

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