30. Visitor

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Your eyes opened, revealing the familiar sight of your bedroom ceiling above. Thoughts of the previous night came to mind, especially the dream you'd had while in the car. You remembered those times quite well, the first few encounters you had with Akio not being the best, but they grew better with time. At first, he was hostile and overly fixated on the idea of escaping, he didn't care who or what got in his way, nothing would stop him.

You wished that he had been able to get out sooner, not having to all those years trapped with you. He was a normal kid and would've grown up to live a good life, get a good job and meet a nice woman to start a family with. It was unfortunate that someone like him ended up with you in that library, trapped and unable to leave.

Thinking about him made you remember your halted search, you hadn't drawn him for a while now but you had no plan on giving up on him. So far you had done all you could to look up those with the name Akio, finding difficulty in going through the list since there were so many of them. So far you weren't even past 5% of all of the people with that name, yet you had no plans on giving up. Akio had done so much for you and all you wanted was to return the favour.

A knock on your bedroom door caught your attention, forcing you out of bed to answer it. Opening up, you were met with the sight of Kerrick's larger body towering over you. He smiled down at you, placing his hand atop your head, giving your messy hair a ruffle.

"How was yesterday?" he asked, referring to your visit to the Yagami household. You gave it a moment of thought, giving a light smile as you remembered the time you had spent with them.

"Mother and Sayu were very welcoming," you said, without realizing how you had addressed Sachiko. You watched as Kerrick's face lit up, his eyes glossing over a little before he reached forward, enveloping you in a hug. The sudden embrace startled you but it wasn't long before you could relax, wrapping your arms around his much larger body.

"Look at my little (Y/n) growing up," he sighed happily, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"You're overly affectionate this morning," you mentioned, looking up at him once he had loosed his hold on you. He hummed in response, his smile wide.

"Well of course I am, I'm so happy that you're finally connecting with your family. They really care about you, y' know. But don't get up and leave me because of it, okay?"

Your grip on Kerrick grew tighter as you picked up on the underlying sadness in his tone. Leaning back into the hug, you rested your head on his chest, heaving a quiet sigh.

"I'd never abandon you, Kerry. You were one of the first people who actually wanted to be around me, to support me when everyone else turned their backs on me. When I was that weird detective that everyone avoided, you were always there. So if I have my family now, it doesn't mean that you won't be apart of it. If anything, you're like the older brother I wished for as a child," you expressed. Kerrick smiled sadly as he hugged you tighter, resting his chin on top of your head.

"Thank you... for everything you've done for me." Pulling back, Kerrick's smile lessened but his happy aura remained. It was then that you wondered if there was anything else he wanted with you, he was aware that you worked in the morning so he didn't bother you unless you told him to come over. His room wasn't too far away from yours, it was just further down the corridor.

"Was there anything else you needed?" you asked, not coming across as rude because he was well aware of your work. He shook his head.

"Nothing else really, I also wanted to let you know that I'll be away for a day or so. I've got a few things I need to do, is that okay with you?" he asked, looking as if your input would dictate whether he would go or not. You nodded, brushing your fingers through your hair to tidy it.

"It's fine if you have things you're interested in doing here, then who am I to stop you. Enjoy yourself while you're here, I don't want you to feel like you're only here to work under me." Kerrick's smile seemed to grow wider, his hand ruffling your hair again, messing it up.

"Thanks, I'll call you later." You watched as he turned and left, sending a wave before he entered the elevator. You stood in your doorway and listened as the elevator descended, turning around and re-entering your room once you heard it come to a complete stop on the ground floor.

Closing your door behind you, you began setting up everything you needed to work for that day. You had been requested to help solve a puzzle left by a serial killer in another country. The authorities had turned to you, not only because you were overly familiar with the case but you were fluent in their language, it being one of the many you had learnt over the years.

All you really needed was your laptop which gave images of the evidence collected. The puzzle would reveal the next victim and if you could solve it, you could possibly save a life. Eyeing the pictures you were sent, you went through the case file a second time to ensure you hadn't missed anything. But just as you were getting to the point of connecting the dots, you were interrupted by another knock on your bedroom door. Immediately, you thought it would be Kerrick, coming back because he needed something for you or had left something behind.

Getting up for the second time, you made sure to brush your fingers through your hair, having not fixed it after Kerrick's last assault. Opening the door, you expected to see the large figure of Kerrick but you were surprised to see someone much smaller. They were still taller than you but not as tall as Kerrick, nor muscular like him.

With hands shoved in their pockets, they stood before you in a hunched over position, their dark eyes meeting yours almost immediately.

That person was L, someone you had not expected at all.

You couldn't help but wonder what the world-renowned detective had come to your room for.

"Ah, good morning, Miss A," he greeted.

"Um, good morning. Is there something I can help you with?" you asked, trying to get the reason out of him.

"Well, I was told to take a break since I've been working overnight. So I thought I might be of assistance to you." You gave it a moment of thought before moving aside so he could come in.

"Sure, that would be helpful, thanks," you spoke, watching as he walked past you, beginning to survey your room. Closing the door, you followed behind him, situating yourself in front of your laptop on the bed.

After looking around for a bit, L took the spot beside you, eyes scanning over the piece of evidence which was visible onscreen.

You weren't sure how this was going to play out, you just hoped that L would helpful.

Now we're gonna have some time with L. Thank you for reading :)

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