4. Solved

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"Kid, you're pretty good at this," a police officer chuckled, moving his chess piece. (Y/n) responded by moving her own, looking up at him a second later.

"Checkmate." His eyes widened as he looked down at the board, sighing when he realized that he couldn't do anything.

"Guess you win... again," he huffed playfully. (Y/n) began moving the pieces back to their original places.

"Would you like to play again?" she asked politely. At this point, she had some learnt manners and incorporated them when she spoke.

"Sure." The two were currently sitting in a holding cell, the door open to remind her that she had done nothing wrong and this was just a place to keep her for the time being. The people that worked in the police station were very kind to her and treated her with respect. She was happy being here, much happier than when she was moving between foster families.

At first, the people were kind but they changed when they noticed her quirks and odd behavior. The people in the police station were a lot more understanding and had patience when it came to her, understanding that she lacked basic knowledge of social norms and human behavior. She didn't act like an animal but she could come across as rude if someone didn't know her situation.

Another game of chess was won by the girl before there was a knock on the cell door. Mr Yagami entered, dismissing the officer from his post within the cell. The detective approached  the 12 year old, sitting on the bed beside her.

"I hope that this isn't boring having you stay here," he said, smiling gently at her. She shook her head, eyes moving to the chess board.

"The people here are nice to me, I like them." He chuckled quietly, moving his hand to ruffle her hair. The contact caused her to stiffen up, relaxing when she realized that it was of no threat to her.

"No matter what people say, I think you're a good kid." She turned and looked at him, tilting her head to the side as if to get a slightly different perspective. Her eyes widened as she stared at the older man. The look she gave him was confusing, he couldn't help but question it.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" he asked. She quickly nodded her head, eyes moving to her lap.

"You're telling the truth," she muttered quietly, yet loud enough to be heard. The detective let out a sigh, resting his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"I am." Before he could say anything else, there was a ringing which came from his phone. Sending her an apologetic smile, he stood and answered the phone, walking towards the door. When he reached it, he gestured the police officer from earlier back into the room.

"Hello?" he called.

"Chief, the girl was right, everything is here," the voice on the line said in disbelief.

"Give me specifics, what did you find?"

"There's the box under the bed with photographs and letters, the son in law's wedding ring too. Also we checked her phone records and she's called the neighbor a lot recently, we're getting her phone read this very minute. There's a lot of suspicious stuff here like medical supplies, things that look to have been stolen form a hospital or something. It's hard to be specific." Yagami sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"It's fine, collect anything which could potentially be suspicious. I'm sure there's even more about this woman that we can get."


"You're under arrest for counseling suicide and premeditated murder." The woman thrashed around, yelling and screaming that she had done nothing wrong. During the investigation, they had discovered that the woman had not only pushed her son in law to kill himself but planned to kill both the neighbor's hospitalized wife and her own husband. It shocked everyone there but (Y/n) was right.

(Y/n) was sat at a desk, reading a book when she was congratulated by every officer that entered the room. They were all surprised with the outcome but they were happy about it too, this just meant that another wrong-doing person was behind bars.

"Nice going, kid," Yagami congratulated, patting her on the head. She looked up from her book and at his other hand where he offered her a box of chocolates.

"Thank you," she replied, taking the box and opening it without hesitation. He watched as she unwrapped one and ate it, humming in delight as the chocolate flavor filled her mouth.

"Are they good?" he asks. She nods, looking up at him and forcing another one of her awkward smiles. This time, her chocolate covered teeth were visible, making the older male laugh.

"You sure are something, kid," he smiled. She stared up at him, watching as he left and went to interact with other people in the station. He was liked by everyone there, sending and receiving smiles where ever he went. It made (Y/n) want to smile to0 even though she found difficulty doing so. She wanted people to like her, she wanted them to smile at her, she wanted to be just like him.


You bowed to the group and left in the elevator, heading up to your room while you stayed there. Aihara huffed when you were gone, Mr Yagami staring at the elevator even when you were gone.

"What use is she here? She didn't even do anything today except sitting around drawing and eating cake with Ryuzaki." Mr Yagami sighed and glanced over at the dark-haired man, heaving a sigh.

"It's her first day, cut her some slack, Aihara." He shut his mouth after that, eyes moving back to what he was doing prior. Matsuda turned to his boss, hand moving to the back of his neck, obviously nervous.

"I didn't know you had two daughters, Chief," he laughed awkwardly. Yagami nodded, eyes focused on what he was doing as he spoke.

"(Y/n) is my oldest, even though she's adopted we treat her as our own. I haven't seen her since she left home 9 years ago, she rarely wrote to us so we had no clue what was going on. Then one day, she stopped writing all together and completely disappeared. Even I was surprised that my own daughter was the famous 'A'," he chuckled, adjusting his glasses. The others remained silent after that.

However, L, who had been listening into the entire conversation, was even more intrigued than he had been before. So many questions about you running through his head. Where were you before you were adopted? What happened when you disappeared? How did you become 'A'?

For the greatest detective in the world, (Y/n) was the biggest mystery he had come across.

Hope that you're enjoying the story because it's only just begun. Love L very much, he's one of my favorite anime characters ever, BEST BOY!

Thank you for reading :)

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