19. Invitation

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"And then he told me that he didn't like me anymore and said we should break up." You nodded long with her story, the two of you having sat together for a while now.

Kira had come up midway through the conversation and you could tell that she seemed a little uneasy about the subject. It wasn't as if she was nervous about being caught, it seemed more like she was afraid that even though she was innocent, that she'd do something wrong on accident and have Kira kill her.

You continued to ask questions about it, acting as if this was a random conversation topic and she kept talking. Miyuki was a talkative girl and from what you heard from her, she was often forgotten when it came to being around her 'friends'. You got first hand experience of this since Misa hadn't returned and it had been over an hour. During that time, it had been only you and Miyuki. You were grateful to get one on one time to investigate, but now it had been way to long and you had everything you needed and more.

Thankfully for you, her stories finished when she was called over onto the dance floor by a guy she had mentioned earlier. According to her, she had been messaging him for a while now and he had promised her a dance at the party, but you already knew that. Having read through all her messages, you were well aware of her interest in the male.

"I'm sorry, is it okay if I head over to him?" she asked, looking like she didn't want to leave but would stay if you asked her to. You forced a small smile and laughed, shaking your head.

"It's fine, that's the guy you were talking about earlier, right? Go and enjoy your night," you urged her, having things you needed to do yourself. She seemed overly happy with what you had said and gave you a quick side hug before she rushed off to join him. You watched as she greeted him with a large smile, him harboring one of his own. It was obvious that they held romantic feelings for each other, you also hoped for her sake that it would work out after hearing about her large amount of failed relationships.

She had talked non-stop about all of her ex-boyfriends, her stories showing just how reliant she was of other people, you pitied her for that. She had even said it herself, she didn't like to be alone so she filled the void with male companions. You couldn't relate to it yourself but you took a mental note, wondering if she had something troublesome in her past that made it so that she disliked being alone or if she was naturally like that. You couldn't help but think about it, your knowledge of psychology and curiosity getting the best of you. Pushing those distracting thoughts aside, you reminded yourself that there was something you needed to do now.  You took a quick look around at your surroundings before getting up from your seat to leave the club.

The music continued to blast loudly as guests danced around, women and men alike not caring how others perceived them in the moment. There they could let their hormones go wild and let their bodies do the thinking, their movements looking primitive in your eyes. Like a bunch of monkeys, using their physical appearance to impress and draw in a possible mate. You found yourself staring, taking a step back and away from them when you realized you had been people watching again. Even though no one had seen you, you couldn't help but feel embarrassed as you had caught yourself.

Hurrying towards the back exit of the club, you were thankful to see that there was no one else there. You made sure to leave the door open slightly so it wouldn't close and lock you out, not that you couldn't pick the lock.

Pulling your phone from your bag, you dialed a number you had been given before you had left for the party. Lifting the phone to your ear, you listened as it rang. After four rings, the phone was answered with a familiar voice.

"Hello?" L questioned.

"This is 'A' speaking ," you informed him. He hummed, sounding as if he was chewing something. It took him a second before he gave a proper response, you guessed that was because he was waiting until he had finished his mouth full.

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