12. Helpful

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Sitting on the couch once again, you tapped your pencil against its arm. Your drawing had ceased after filling a few pages with various images of your friend, Akio. The memories had become quite painful to remember so you had stopped, giving yourself a break from the strain of going through it all over again.

While this happened, the other task force members did as they needed, overlooking the current evidence that they had.

Right now there wasn't much that they had on Kira, besides the tape created by a suspected second Kira. You had watched over the tapes a few times but there were no leads indicating who Kira could be. All that you could do was follow the investigation from a distance, watching as the victims of Kira were killed off by heart attacks.

When all of this started happening, you watched it like a hawk. Gathering as much information as you could on it, but there was no time for you to go out and do your own investigation. Being a highly skilled and respected undercover cop ensured that you would always have something on your plate, there was always more work to do.

Feeling eyes on you, you looked up and met L's gaze. He lifted his pale hand and gestured for you to come over, which you happily did so.

At this point, you were bored. Something you hated was having nothing to do, this hadn't happened very often at all since you always had work, more skills to pick up or polish. But since you were so close to coming back in contact with you precious Akio, you wanted to distance yourself from your sketchbook and put it off for a little while. It wasn't that you were backing out of your search, what a waste of time that would've been, you had been looking since you had been split up from him. And now that you had the career that you did, you now had all of the resources which would guarantee finding him no matter how good he was at hiding.

Getting up, you walked over to L and sat in the empty seat beside him. His legs were pulled up onto it in his usual crouched position. You watched him carefully as he acknowledged you, bringing his thumb to his mouth to bite at the nail.

"I wanted to get your opinion on something," he informed, spinning his chair so he now faced his computer. You shifter closer to get a good look at the screen, watching as he clicked through tabs until he pulled up an image of a VHS tape and list of different minerals and materials.

"This is the VHS tape sent in by the second Kira and next to it is a list of materials found on the tape as well as in its cover. Using everything it has tested positive for, we have determined that the person lives in this apartment building," he said, clicking to another tab which showed the front of a large apartment building. It was pretty middle class, not being very fancy nor looking rundown.

"Have you looked through the security footage?" you asked, not feeling any surprise when he pulled up exactly that.

"I have gone over everything of relevance and there are a few potential people. Here have a look at this." He played a clip which showed a man walking out of the building and using the mailbox outside, putting a small rectangular package into it.

"But there are also others like this girl and this older woman," he continued, showing clips of both. Your eye caught the girl who looked to be in her late teens or early twenties almost immediately, looking around as if she was checking that no one was watching. It was subtle, something that could have easily been missed.

"Her," you pointed out. L turned his chair towards you, meeting your eyes as he asked why you thought so.

"First, the old man seemed calm and it wasn't forced. His body language was relaxed and carefree, from the way he greeted the woman walking past he was not at all worried about the package. The VHS is something important that even if it was supposed to be some kind of practical joke, would make the person tense. Even the footage of the older woman shows that she is very tense in both her body and attitude, the girl is the best bet. She's cautious with every step, her eyes darting around to make sure no one is there to witness it," you pointed out, turning to watch L inspect the footage again. He hummed quietly.

"It's very subtle but you're correct, I missed it in the beginning but she is acting very suspicious." Analyzing the footage a few more times, you began pointing out more and more things which concluded that this girl either had something to do with Kira or was doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"The angle between her neck and shoulders is smaller than it should be. Her body proportioning would indicate exactly what it would be but by looking you I can tell that it's off. The tensing of her body has also changed the way she walks, if you compare how she walked to the mailbox and her typical walk cycle I guarantee that there will be a difference."

L tested your words and once again, you were right. The way she walked was a lot more unnatural than how she did every other day. L turned to you with wide eyes, placing his hands on your shoulders.

"You're a genius," he whispered. You reacted in an unnatural way, in a way which you had never done before. A strange warmth filled your chest and another heating up your cheeks. The raven-haired man did notice the change of color on your face but didn't say anything, not seeing any importance in it. This situation seemed to draw the attention of the other task force members, having them leave their stations and approach you and L.

"What's going on?" Mr Yagami called, hoping that L had found something which would be beneficial for the investigation. The world-famous detective released your shoulders and pointed to the screen as the footage played of the girl.

"I'm 97% sure that this girl either is or has a connection to the second Kira," he announces to the others. They seemed happy with this, even Aihara.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Mr Yagami asked, himself and the others struggling to see anything unnatural about the girl. L then proceeded to explain everything you had said about the footage, the others finally able to see even the minuscule things you had pointed out.

"That's amazing, L, how did you notice all of that?" Matsuda wondered aloud, leaning forward to get a closer view of the screen. L's dark eyes moved from the screen and onto you.

"I didn't, it was Miss Yagami who did." And even though they were aware of your alias as 'A', they were all surprised. For you had noticed things which the best detective in the world missed.

Haven't updated in a while but here I am. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for reading :)

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