25. Request

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Leaving your room, you took the elevator to where the other detectives were working. The metal doors opened, alerting everyone with a ding. Heads lifted to see who was there, a majority returning to their work after seeing it was just you. After Mr Yagami had asked to also be put in confinement, the other task force members seemed to be on edge. But it was the Chief's order so they did their best to continue working efficiently.

Once you had entered, someone was quick to stand and make their way over to you, stopping you from reaching your desk. Aihara stood tall in front of you, blocking your path.

"Have fun gossiping?" he asked, sarcasm obvious in his voice. His harsh gaze made you shy away, your body tensing in discomfort. You always put great thought into what to say in response to Aihara, not wanting to irritate him anymore than you knew you did without doing anything. Lowering your gaze, you shrugged your shoulders.

"Is there something I can help you with?" you asked, trying to be polite. Clicking his tongue, he folded his arms across his chest.

"Chief says he wants to see you," he grumbled, feeling annoyed that he was used to give you this message. Hearing that made you perk up, lifting your head to meet Aihara's with eyes full of curiosity.

"Did he say why?" you questioned. Turning around, he didn't bother answering your question. He made his way back to his desk, sitting down in his chair. Not yet finished talking to him, you followed and stood beside him. Sending you a glance, he tried to show that he didn't want to talk, but you weren't taking no for an answer this time.

Over five minutes passed of you silently waiting for him to say something before he gave in, huffing a loud and exaggerated sigh.

"Just go see the chief, brat." Knowing that you weren't going to get anymore information from him, you turned and began walking back to the elevator. Both Mr Yagami and Light were being kept in holding cells on different floors of the building, Mr Yagami being just one floor above his son. Getting back into the elevator, your eyes met with L's for a brief moment before the doors closed, taking to the floor you needed to go to.

The elevator stopped, the doors opening with another ding. Sometimes you found the sound to be annoying because it alerted everyone, letting them know that you were there. It wasn't that you hated attention, but rather that you enjoyed moments where you would go unnoticed.

During highschool, you had tried your best to blend into your surroundings but found great difficulty. The people you spoke to were nowhere near open-minded enough to even comprehend the idea of someone as abstract of you. They treated you like an outcast so you began to prefer living in the background, invisible to those who lived in the foreground. But now that all that was over, you seemed to be forced into the foreground often like you had somehow become the main character.

It confused you greatly, always playing characters who lived in the foreground whilst you, (Y/n), were someone who was meant to permanently stay in the background. The main stage was for people who were outgoing, talkative, expressive, pleasing to the eye, perhaps intelligent but not too much to make others feel insecure. But you weren't any of that, you weren't unattractive but you knew you couldn't measure up to the women who were considered beautiful like models. And not only that, but you were introverted, quiet, considered emotionless and were on another level of intelligence.

Snapping yourself from your thoughts, you became surprised with the tangent a subtle, everyday sound like an elevator's ding had taken you down. You had noticed that while being back in Japan, you would become lost in thought often and let things distract you easily. It was hard for you to determine what the cause of it was, there being many new things which made you feel uneasy well as old memories which you had buried deep, not being able to escape them now that you were home.

Walking down the long corridor, you made several turns before arriving at the door which Mr Yagami would be behind. Entering, you walked further into the room and towards the holding cell he was being kept in.

Hearing the sound of the door, he was alert and watched as you entered his field of vision. It was then that he smiled widely, his posture straightening, outwardly showing his happiness in you being there.

"My guess is that Aihara gave you my message?" he asked, repositioning his glasses further up his nose. You nodded, pulling a chair to the bars of the cell and taking a seat in it. He did the same, pulling one of the few pieces of furniture in his cell over.

Letting your eyes scan the room, you remembered it being very similar to the cell you had spent time in when you were 12. Mr Yagami seemed to notice the nostalgic look in your eye, chuckling.

"It's been a while since you've been to a place like this, right?" You met his gaze, humming quietly in response.

"I can't compare it to back then, the room's layout may be identical but there door is closed and locked," you pointed out making the older male give a sad smile.

"It's for the best, have you visited Light at all since he was put in confinement?" You shook your head.

"I've had a lot on my mind recently and I haven't had the chance, maybe I'll go see him tonight." Mr Yagami looked happy after hearing you say that, his hands adjusting the watch that was fixed to his wrist. He remained silent, looking as if he was thinking over something. By the way he chewed at his cheek, you could tell that whatever it was was really bothering him.

"Was there a reason you wanted to see me?" you asked, disrupting the silence. Mr Yagami chuckle, running a hand through his greying hair.

"Even though I consider you to be my own daughter, you're so cold to me." His statement startled you, making you feel bad. Even though Mr Yagami had requested that you call him father many times, you hadn't gone through with it. It wasn't that you didn't see him as a father figure, but that didn't feel deserving of a father as kind and generous as Mr Yagami. Lowering your head, you bowed to him.

"I apologize," you whispered, your voice coming out quiet as you wondered whether of not you would let yourself become vulnerable in front of him. But lately, a lot of strange things had been happening so it seemed to give you the confidence to let another occur.

"I struggle with these types of things." You admitting something like that caught Mr Yagami off guard, you being able to visually see his surprise once you had raised your head again. He remained quiet for a moment before he began laughing, leaving you to feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about any of that, I know how you are (Y/n) and you're doing a lot better than you used to. You're talking to me more and are even trying to make friends, I see how well you're getting along with the other task force members, with the exception of Aihara of course. So there's nothing to apologize for, okay?" His smile was wide and you felt immediately better after hearing that from him. Giving another nod, you watched him open his mouth to speak again.

"And there is another reason why I wanted to see you," he admitted, grabbing your attention fully. Meeting his gaze, you held it as you awaited to hear it.

"I want you to go home and meet with Sachiko and Sayu." The expression on his face showed that he was serious, his gaze remaining on you after yours moved down to your lap.

"It's been so long, do you think they'd accept me?" you asked quietly. You knew that you had been lucky in having both Mr Yagami and Light welcome you with open arms, but you weren't sure if Sachiko and Sayu would react the same. Along with that, Sayu was so young when you had been at their house that she probably wouldn't remember you. Mr Yagami heaved out a loud sigh, leaning back in his chair.

"Of course they'll accept you, we're family." Hearing that from him reassured you a lot, making you smile softly.

"Then I'll think about it," you answered, standing from your seat and pulling it back over to where you had found it.

"I think it would do you some good and Sayu asks about you a lot, go visit your mother and sister. They miss you." As you walked towards the door, you couldn't help but feel warmth envelope your chest. It was a good feeling and even though you were nervous thinking about meeting them after so long, this good feeling was a lot stronger.

Gotta get the rest of the family in, also will have some more L in the next chapter. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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