5. Little rabbit

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"Sachiko, please consider it," her husband begged while the family was eating dinner. 3 year old Sayu played with it, managing to it all over her face. Their son, Light, who was 6, kept accidentally dropping food onto the ground but was reasonably neat.

"I told you Soichiro, we already have enough kids in this house as it is. I don't think we should just adopt some girl, CPS will take care of her." Her husband sighed, glaring down at his plate.

"She's already moved from house to house enough times, these people are too closed minded for their own good. A place like this would be good for her, she's opened up to me and trusts me." Sachiko averted her gaze from her husband, leaning over to clean the food off her daughter's face.

"No and I won't say it again."


The next day, Sachiko cleaned the house whilst making sure her daughter wasn't getting into trouble. While doing so, she noticed that her husband had left his lunch behind. Heaving a sigh, she picked up the lunch as well as her daughter and handbag, heading to the door. Her plan was to drop off his lunch and then head to the grocery store afterward, this is not what happened.

They drove away from home, pulling up in front of the police station 20 minutes later. As she entered, she was greeted by many people her husband worked with, receiving many smiles. Reaching the front desk, she adjusted her hold on her daughter.

"Looking for the chief?" the woman behind reception asked. Sachiko nodded with a small laugh.

"Uh yes, he left his lunch at home this morning." The woman nodded and looked up where he was.

"Oh, it looks like he's in a meeting right now. It's just about finished so you're welcome to sit and wait for him." Sachiko thanked them before taking a seat in the waiting area. She placed Sayu on the ground beside a box of toys and picked up a magazine to read while she waited. When sitting her daughter beside the toys, she expected the toddler to begin playing, she was wrong. As soon as her mother looked down, Sayu was off, running around the police station.


The toddler walked around, giggling and hiding, it was a surprise that no one noticed her. Waddling down the hallway, she noticed an open door. She went towards it, poking her head around it.

(Y/n) was lying back on her bed, reading a book, not having anyone to keep her company at this time. Someone would come by and check on her every once in a while but after staying there for the night, they decided to leave her with some time to herself. They provided her with books and puzzle to occupy her time, but she was still bored.

Hearing the sound of a giggle, (Y/n) sat up and looked around. The only possible place it could've been coming from was the doorway. She watched it carefully, noticing a little head poke around and giggle. It was a young girl, very young, she was a toddler. Feeling curious, (Y/n) swung her legs over the side of the bed and gestured the little girl to come in. She was cautious but did so anyway, running into the room and straight to (Y/n). Sayu hugged (Y/n), catching her off guard but since she was so small (Y/n) didn't reject her. Instead of stiffening up, she hugged the little girl back.

"What's you're name, little rabbit?" (Y/n) asked, referring to the small stitched rabbit on the front of her dress.

"Sayu, not rabbit," the girl laughed, smiling widely.

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