33. Meeting

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You were shocked by L's offer, trying to figure out why he would even consider doing something like that for you. You had both established your fondness for each other and agreed on becoming friends. But there was something you couldn't stop yourself from wondering, is this something that friends do for each other?

Thinking about it, you imagined that Kerrick would do it for you since you had known each other for a while now and you were very close. He cared for you like a little sister and did all that he could to ensure your safety and happiness.

But in this same situation with L, you felt it was a lot different. You couldn't put your finger on it, but this situation differed from that between friends or siblings. The fact that you were struggling to figure this out really irritated you. And so, to avoid the fear of the unknown, you denied his offer.

"L, you don't have to do that, I'll figure out a way around it myself," you tried to convince him. But you were unsuccessful in your attempt to stop him, the detective staring back at you with determined eyes.

"You're important to this investigation, if there is something I can do to maintain the efficiency of your work then I am willing to do so. Is that fine by you, Miss Yagami?" he asked, refusing to look away from you. Hearing him bring the investigation into this somewhat saddened you, making you even more confused even though you felt you should've felt better. You now had the answer to why he was being so stubborn. But you had never felt like this before, receiving a logical answer yet not wanting to agree with it.

"And there is no need to worry about this affecting my efficiency either, Watari has cautioned me to take breaks and so I am willing to take one to help you sleep if necessary." he continued, trying to assure you.

"But if you're taking a break, you shouldn't waste it on me," you argued, still not wanting to back down.

"If I did use my time to help you, it wouldn't be a waste," he confessed. You were surprised by his words, being able to pick up how he was being genuine. You went quiet for a moment, giving this a little more thought. But it was obvious that even if you tried to stop him, he would try and do it anyway, not backing down about this.

"Fine, you can if that's what you want," you gave in, letting out a quiet sigh.

"I definitely will," L answered, opening his mouth to say something else before he was cut off by the sound of his mobile phone ringing. Picking up by its corners, he answered the call. Not wanting to intrude, you remained quiet, waiting for him to finish. It was a very brief call but from what you heard, it was about something important. Now finished, the raven-haired man turned to you.

"We're having a meeting now," he informed before getting up and heading to the door. Without a word, you left the room alongside him, curious about what the meeting would be about.


The elevator dinged as you reached your floor, the metal doors opening to reveal the rest of the task force members waiting for you. They seemed pleased to see you, that is with the exception of Aihara, who's mood went sour when he saw you. Lowering your gaze, you followed quietly behind L as he approached the group.

Once yourself and L had joined up with the others, Mr Yagami, who has now free from his confinement, stepped forward.

"We've come up with a plan which will reveal whether either Misa or Light are involved with or are Kira," he announced. Everyone listened to the plan with interest, feeling bad about what was going to happen to the pair yet knowing it was what was best for the investigation. The main idea was to remove both Misa and Light from confinement and get them into a car with Mr Yagami. From there a murder-suicide would be threatened to see if they would confess.

The explanation left everyone feeling solemn, not wanting to result to something so harsh. Feeling eyes on yourself, you turned and locked gazes with L, the detective staring intensely at you.

"Is something wrong?" you asked, feeling a little self-conscious. He shook his head, eyes remaining on your figure.

"Are you fine with this plan?" he asked. Hearing him ask that confused you. It was his dull tone which puzzled you the most, making you wonder why he even bothered asking in the first place. But you could only guess once again that he didn't want your emotional ties to Light getting in the way of the investigation. You did care for Light but knew that if he was, in fact, Kira, you would have no problem in putting him behind bars.

"Although Light and I are close, I won't let family ties get in the way of the investigation," you answered honestly. Hearing someone click their tongue, you shifted your attention to them. You weren't surprised to see that it had come from Aihara, his face harbouring an expression of disgust.

You were well aware that it wasn't socially acceptable to be fine with something like that. People generally felt protective of their family and tended to act on emotion when it came to them. You knew that was the way things were supposed to be, but for you, they weren't. You did feel the urge to protect Light, but knew that it was better to look at it logically.

You knew that your logical approach to this had angered Aihara. Something you always thought about was Aihara's emotional approach to everything. He was always angry at something, not feeling afraid to show it. And even though it's not typically socially acceptable to face every situation with a glare, he seemed to do it anyway. In a sense, he was the complete opposite of you.

He knew how he was supposed to act but tended to act on emotion anyway, that being acceptable to an extent. Whilst you found it difficult to act and react how you were supposed to, knowing what was expected of you yet not finding it as natural.

"What the hell are you looking at?!" Aihara yelled, snapping you out of your thoughts. Not knowing what to say, you lowered your gaze to the floor, not daring to say a word. Aihara seemed to always be angry at you, no matter what you did it always ticked him off. That made you curious about him, it made you want to know why he felt that way.

"Anyway," Mr Yagami finished, "This will all take place tomorrow, make sure to prepare everything we need for this" Everyone then returned to their workspaces, starting to work once again. But as you worked, you couldn't help but occasionally look up at Aihara. Not being able to shake away the question of why he was so bothered by you.

Sorry for the long wait, my university work is full-on and I'm always busy lately. Found a little time to write tonight so here you guys go, I hope it won't be too long before I update again. I really adore this story and can't wait to write all of the ideas I have for it. Thank you for reading :)

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