17. Life of the party

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"Down we go," Kerrick says to himself as the elevator doors close, bringing you both back down to the other task force members. You were a little anxious about being seen dressed like this since it was quite different from how you usually looked. This outfit may have looked beautiful but that wasn't the kind of thing you, (Y/n), liked to wear.

The elevator came to a stop, the memorable ding sounding as the metal doors opened. Everyone in the room turned and watched as you re-entered the room with Kerrick by your side, your expression remaining neutral while the male beside you couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He really did enjoy dressing you up like a doll and you didn't mind since it really did make him happy.

As you walked further into the room, Mr Yagami approached you with a wide smile.

"My god, you look so beautiful," he said, sounding almost shocked since he had never seen you dressed up in such a way. The look was casual and something that a typical girl would wear when going out to a house party, you never dressed like this while living in the Yagami household. Even Light looked surprised, his eyes wide and staring at you. Mr Yagami took your hands and inspected your face.

"Is it really that different?" you asked, wanting to hear what he had to say about it. He nodded, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

"You never wanted to go to your highschool dance so I never got to see you all dressed up like this." You hummed, pulling your hands away from him and beginning to walk towards Light.

"Are you ready to go?" you asked, the tone of your voice sounding a little softer than its usual monotone.

"Uh, yeah. I'm ready whenever you are."

But before you could leave, you needed to consult with L. He sat in his usual seat in front of the large monitor, his legs pulled up. Pulling your phone from the small hand bag Kerrick had given you, you handed it to the detective.

"Put a number in that I can use to contact you or anyone in the task force." He took the phone by its corners and pressed the home screen, having a picture of puppy pop up as the lock screen. He passed it, not needing the password since there wasn't one at the moment.

Entering contacts, he made a new one and began filing it out. It took barely a minute for him to complete before he handed it back.

"Contact me if you need anything." You nodded in response and turned away, heading back to Kerrick who was talking to Light about something. They seemed to be getting along well, you hoped that they would. Once they heard you approaching, they began walking back towards the elevator and entering it. You were the last to enter, holding your phone in your hand as you were taken down to the ground floor. As you descended, you decided to have a look at the contact which L had saved in your phone.

Opening it up, you felt the urge to smile, the muscles in your face tensing slightly. Written as the contact was the word detective, followed by various emojis of sweets such as cakes and candy. It just reminded you that he was a sweet tooth, always eating sweets and offering them to you. There was never a time that you denied them either, you enjoyed sitting by the famous detective's side as you ate ice cream or cake or whatever it was that he was craving. You were fond of him as the two of you had discussed already and acknowledged each other as friends. You would say that L was the fastest friend you had ever made, Akio and Kerrick taking time to want to be your friend as you got to know them.

The elevator doors opened once you reached the ground floor, a black car parked outside and visible through the front windows of the building.

"Is that-?" you started but stopped half way due to the nod Kerrick sent you, instantly answering the question you didn't even have the chance to ask.

"So, how are we getting to the party?" Light asked, turning his head to look down at you since he was a lot taller. You let your eyes drift between the car outside and Kerrick.

"Kerrick does a lot more than just my make up and clothing, he also drives for me," you tell him, Kerrick chuckling and sending your brother a smile.

"I'm the designated chauffeur when it comes to missions for Miss (Y/n)," he joked, putting on a posh accent. You weren't bothered by his teasing and looked up at him with a crooked smile.

"Kerrick is quite flexible when it comes to driving, not only can he easily adjust to driving on both the left and right sides of the road, he's skilled as getting out of complicated situations while driving," you mentioned, Light cocking an eyebrow as he reached the front door first. He held it open, Kerrick walking through first with you following close behind.

"Well, I did have all that practice but you're the one who taught me. Why don't you drive yourself?" Kerrick asked, pulling the car keys from his pocket and using them to unlock the car. Getting into the back with Light, you adjusted the skirt of your dress and put on your seat belt.

"It's best not to leave cars around while I'm working, they can be easily damaged and I also don't to be tracked." Kerrick clicked his seat belt in, looking back at you and Light in the back.

"Light, I want to warn you that when you get to that party that (Y/n)'s gonna act like a completely different person. Don't act weirded out or anything or people might become suspicious. You may be hanging out with your friends but you're doing an undercover job, just play it cool." Even though Light had thought that Kerrick was an overly energetic and genuinely happy guy in the beginning, he had been proven wrong by the warning Kerrick had provided. The darker male's voice had lowered a little in pitch, showing how serious he was about the whole ordeal.

"(Y/n) knows what she's doing so just ask her if you're unsure how to react. She's studied psychology so she might be able to come up with believable responses and actions if you're feeling anxious. Undercover work is all about staying calm and thinking rationally under pressure. Think you can do this, Light?" The teen nodded to the man in the front.

"Yeah, I'll try my best." Kerrick reached back and gave the boy a firm pat on the shoulder before turning around and starting the car.

"That's good, just act like a caring younger brother and it'll all be fine." Kerrick met your gaze in the rear view mirror as he pulled out of his parking spot and onto the road. You were grateful for him speaking to Light since you hadn't even told him to do that. Kerrick was a lot better with words than you were, he was a natural people's person. Others liked to be around him, he was energetic and optimistic, two things that you were not. He told Light a lot better than your attempt would have been, this is because you had always worked by yourself. Even now, you did. Kerrick was only part of the behind the scenes make up, outfits, driving and emotional support. Other than that, it was just you out there acting as someone who existed only in your mind and the minds of those you needed to complete your mission.

Light's perfect sister wasn't real, but tonight you would do your best to mold yourself into the kind of person everyone loved. You would become the reason people would smile and feel comfortable, able to let loose and relax.

You'd become the life of the party.

(Y/n) isn't very sociable and has struggled with communication with others for the entirety of her life. Only after studying people and how they act did she find a way to pretend and blend in for her job as an undercover cop. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thank you :)

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