23. Unexpected

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L sat in his usual position, eyes fixated on the (h/c)-haired girl who sat beside him.

Your eyes were focused on the file in your hands, trailing from the top of the page to the bottom. In this moment where you were concentrated, he took the opportunity to fully examine you with his eyes.

The first thing he noticed were the deep (e/c) of your eyes, your irises noticeably sparkling in the natural light which came in through the windows. His eyes then moved down to your lips, his eyes tracing the shape carefully. You weren't smiling but he could remember seeing you with one before, it being something he had only experienced one or two times over the week or so you had worked together.

Even though he knew it was intrusive, his eyes continued to travel down. He took in the clothing you were wearing, them not being too different from his own. An oversized hoodie and and jeans. The size of the hoodie hid the shape of her body, the mass of material looking more like a blanket than an item of clothing by the way you sank into it. He wondered why you wore something like that, comparing it to the time you were all dressed up for that party. He thought you looked good then but it didn't seem natural compared to what you wore now. Despite not expressing any noticeable emotion, he could tell that you were content and comfortable in the clothing you wore.

Finishing reading through the file, you lifted your head and immediately met L's gaze. You looked back into his dark eyes, trying to read him. You were unsuccessful in this. Staring back at him you were unable to figure anything out about both his expression and staring.

"Is something wrong?" you asked, watching as he continued to watch you. He blinked a few times, not taking his eyes off you as he lifted his thumb to his mouth, biting at the nail.

"No, I'm just trying to figure something out." You raised an eyebrow before deciding to ignore it, picking another file to read. You attempted to get back into your work but found yourself getting distracted. It had been ten minutes and L was still staring at you, his gaze not shifting an inch. Heaving a sigh, you dropped your file on the desk in front of you, spinning your chair so you faced the raven-haired man.

"Why are you staring at me?" you asked bluntly, your tone dull yet he could tell that he was irritating you.

"Do you have a problem with it?" he asks, seeming genuinely curious. You averted your gaze for a second before returning it to him, trying to read him again. Once again you were drawing blanks, not knowing what was going on inside his head.

"I find it distracting." He hummed, eye contact being held between the two of you.

"So it does bother you?"

"Yes, it does." He continued staring at me, his eyes lighting up for a second.

"Can you do can something for me?" he asked, his eyes holding contact with your own. You were curious as to what he wanted, suspicious of his motives.

"If you stop staring at me," you answered, hoping you could get what you wanted while he got his favor from you. L nodded in agreement, shifting his chair closer to yours. His constant staring had made you feel a little uneasy, making you shirk down a little in your seat.

"Close your eyes," he instructed. You were unsure whether or not to go along with what he had said but were adamant to get his eyes off of you. Silently, you complied, closing your eyes and trying your best to relax. In this moment you were vulnerable, one of your most valuable senses were temporarily taken away, forcing you to focus on your others.

There wasn't much you could smell besides the usual scent the room held, L not holding a very strong nor distinctive smell either. Taste was useless in this situation, leaving you to only hear and feel your surroundings.

You heard the sound of L's chair drawing nearer as well as his quiet breathing as the proximity between the two of you lessened. He wasn't unbelievably close but you could sense he was nearby, growing closer. His chair squeaked as he adjusted himself, sitting with his legs out in front of him, how people were supposed to sit in chairs. He shifted even closer, stopping only when your knees were touching.

You desperately wanted to open your eyes but remained patient, trusting that nothing bad would happen. With the combination of the sound of L's chair squeaking and the movement of the joint in his knee, you knew he had lent forward.

It was unexpected, the feeling of his hand against your cheek. At first, you were tense but as his hands cupped your faces, fingers tracing it's shape and details, you seemed to relax. So much so that your eyes fluttered open, L placing his hand over them.

"I'm not done yet," he muttered, getting you to close them again. It was a strange moment, his hands moving, fingers tracing your jaw line. One of his hands moved to rest on the side of your neck while the other took its time to properly touch your face. His hand started at your forehead, trailing to you cheek and then down to your lips where he paused. He slowly ran his thumb over your lips, caressing them gently.

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" he asked, moving his thumb aside so you could reply. You hummed quietly.

"For work, yes." L remained silent after that, the hand which rested on your neck moving to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

He continued to stare at you, trying to decipher his own emotions. He thought back to what Light had said, asking him about his true intentions. The knowledge that your lips had met with someone else's irritated him, his eyebrows furrowing after receiving said information. He was very fond of you and still didn't understand the feelings that came with getting to know you. Someone so strange yet intriguing.

He found himself staring at a specific part of your face, eyes locked onto your lips. He himself had never kissed anyone, having no one who he was interested in who felt that way back. L wasn't sure if you would ever feel anything like that for him, but after feeling a mixture of jealousy and envy towards the people who had the privileged of kissing you, he went for it.

You were surprised when you felt him lean in even further, his hand resting on your cheek as his lips met your own. The kiss was soft, lasting barely a second. As soon as his lips had met yours, your eyes opened wide in shock. There was never a point while your eyes were closed that you thought he would do something as intimate as kiss you.

He pulled back, eyes scanning your features to see your reaction. Your mouth hung open a little, cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment. Then, as if nothing had happened, he pushed his chair back to desk and started working, his legs pulled back up onto his chair.

You stared at him, dumbfounded by what had just occurred.

L had kissed you.

A bunch more weird shit going on. L's trynna figure out what's going on with him and hopefully this will allow (Y/n) to see him in a more romantic light. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm trying to sort out the plan for this story so hopefully it will have a better flow soon. Thanks for reading :)


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