2. A and L

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12 years ago

Chief Yagami entered the police station, having  just finished his lunch. That afternoon he had met his wife, accompanied by his 3 year old daughter, Sayu, to eat together. The toddler had been messy, getting food all over her face and even some in her hair. His son, Light, who was six at this time, was at school.

As he returned from his well deserved break, he noticed a girl sitting in the waiting room. Her hands were clenched tightly to the material of the dress she wore, the shoulder ripped, revealing the singlet she wore beneath. Her cheeks were stained with tears, hair messy and she wasn't wearing any shoes. Her white knee high socks having stains at the bottom. She was a small girl but he could tell she was older than she looked, perhaps 11 or 12.

The disheveled girl noticed the detective's eyes and shied away, letting her long (h/c) hair fall onto her face. Curious, he approached the girl with a kind smile.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" he asked, not wanting her to find him hostile in any way. She brushed her hair aside and looked up at him, sniffling as she wiped her nose.

"Fine," she responded blandly. The detective was surprised by her tone of voice, it was so emotionless, as was the look in her eyes. She was obviously hurting but she wasn't expressing it at all. Tears ran down her cheeks but she didn't sob nor cry out for help, it was almost as if she couldn't.

Not knowing what to do, the police chief stood and walked over to another police officer. He tapped them on the shoulder, grabbing their attention.

"What can I do for you, Mr Yagami?" they asked, looking up from the file they were looking through. The detective looked back at the girl as she watched them, turning her face away.

"Who's the kid?" he asked, pointing back at her with his thumb. The officer heaved a sad sigh, biting their lip, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"She came in earlier with quite the back story. Apparently she had been sold when she was 5 years old to a man who abuses and rapes children. We sent some officers over to the house and searched the premises, there were over 20 kids separated into different rooms there. Out of all of the kids, she's in the best shape, we can only assume she got out before they could do anything to her. The guy got away but we've set up a perimeter, hope we get the bastard. He'll get what's coming to him when we throw him behind bars," he swore, fists clenched in anger, damaging the paper within the file they held. Yagami calmed them by patting their shoulder.

"We'll get him, don't worry about that." The other officer nodded before walking off, most likely to return the file. The spectacled male returned to the young girl and sat in a chair beside her. She flinched at the closeness, eyes watching the man through her curtain of hair.

"You're a hero, you know. Coming here, you saved the rest of those kids," he praised, hoping that she would accept the compliment and cheer up. She turned her head to face him.

"Can I see Akio?" she asked. Mr Yagami smiled, guessing that this Akio person was someone she was with in the house the kids were kept in. He stood up and smiled down at her.

"I'll see what I can do."

 Present day

You sat on a couch at the back of the room, a pad of blank paper in your hand. A pencil drifted across its white surface, creating the image of a young man's face. Staring down at it, your face didn't change. But that didn't mean you didn't feel. Akio was someone you cherished more than anyone else. He was a friend, your best friend. You remembered the stupid things he did to cheer you up and the day he had saved you. It pained you to think about it, the last time you had seen each other was that day, the day he risked himself and helped you escape.

Aihara glared across the room at you, displeasure of your presence radiating off him.

"I can't believe that the oh so skilled and talented 'A' is a scruffy teenager," he huffed. Mogi shrugged his shoulders, not seeming bothered by your presence. L turned and watched as you drew, your picture hidden by the angle you held the page. He examined you carefully, from the way you sat with your legs open and feet together, to the blank expression on your face. He analyzed every inch of you, finding interest in your presence and being. Matsuda looked over at you and smiled widely.

"I think Miss Yagami is amazing, she's a master of disguise so this could just be one of her characters. She has such a pretty face and is amazingly talented, no wonder she's the best undercover cop," he enthuses, cheeks tinted red when he realized what he had said. Chief Yagami glanced over at the group that watched you, clearing his throat to catch their attention. They all shifted their gazes and returned to their work, everyone except for L that is.

Looking up, you met L's dark eyes. He was introduced to you as Ryuzaki, but you knew that wasn't his name. He was L, the mysterious genius who claimed the title of best detective in the world. Even though he had been caught, he stared into your eyes. It was a strange response, but that was just who he was. Just like you he was an oddity, when compared to others he was strange, from the way he looked to his quirks and personality. Getting up from your seat, you placed the sketch book down and approached him.

Right now, everyone except you and L were busy. The other detectives had returned to their work after being silently scolded by their boss. Sitting in a chair beside L, you turned it so your body faced him.

"It's nice to finally meet you, L," you greeted, internally pleased that you were able to meet such a respectable detective. He nodded, continuing to inspect you.

"When we met, you instantly realized who I was," he pointed out. You nodded, watching as his thumb moved to his lips, teeth gripping at the nail. Normally, the habit of nail biting would be scolded but you found no displeasure from it.

"Yes, I knew that you would be here, it was a process of elimination figuring out which one you were. As soon as I was contacted my Mr Yagami and confirmed I would assist, naturally I background checked everyone on the team. Everyone here was listed under police records while you and your associate, who I assume is W, are the only ones who aren't there. With this I came to the conclusion that it was you, L." He seemed pleased with your explanation, a small, awkward-looking smile stretching across his lips.

"Miss A, do you like sweets?" he asked. You nodded without hesitation, in all honestly you lived for anything sweet.

"I do."

"Watari," L called out, gathering the attention of the white-haired man. He hurried over, sending you a kind smile as he stood beside L.


"Could you please get some cake for Miss A and I?" he asked. The older man headed out without a response, off to fetch the sweets L had requested.

The ravenette returned his gaze to you, almost trying to read your emotion. But even though he was the best detective in the world and a genius, he was drawing blanks. Your eyes looked dead and cold, face neutral, body not showing any readable signs at all. He could see that you were different from others, other women your age didn't act this way, it wasn't him who found it odd but he noticed this. His eyes drifted to your leg where you hand sat, two fingers pinching and rubbing the hem of your hoodie where it stopped half way down your thigh.

In this moment, your eyes focused on the security cameras which watched the streets. He could tell you were looking for something, there was something out there that you desired. Even though you were hard to read, he could see that. The tiniest amount of hope mixed with hidden desperation.

Was so happy with people's responses to the first chapter. Thank you all for reading!

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