28. Farewell

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"Last card," you said, holding your final card so Sayu couldn't see it. She puffed out her cheeks and pouted as she stared down at her hand, her eight cards looking like a lot more in comparison to your singular one. With a cheeky smile, she put an ace down, looking proud of her decision.

"Change to hearts," she said in a confident tone. But it was short-lived, her pout returning after you finished the game by putting your last card, a three of hearts, on top of her ace.

"I win, again," you smirked, having enjoyed the game of cards. Sayu picked the deck up, collecting all of the cards into her hands to shuffle them.

"Let's play again," she said, finishing her shuffling and beginning to deal. Sachiko chuckled at her daughter's antics, her hands wrapped around a hot cup of tea.

"Don't bother (Y/n) with too many of your games, Sayu," her mother warned. Sayu turned to you, wanting to see what you had to say about it. In truth, playing cards with Sayu was most enjoyable and you had a lot of fun doing so. So, to show that you were enjoying yourself, you smiled.

Sayu looked shocked by the expression on your face, the same went for Sachiko. They held expressions one might have after seeing a ghost. So, feeling concerned, you gave the two a worried look.

"Is everything okay?" you asked, hoping you hadn't done anything wrong. Right now you worried they would suddenly shun you despite earlier actions, but that wasn't the case at all. Instead, both mother and daughter smiled at each other before directing it at you.

"It's nothing, dear. It's just that while you stayed with us when you were younger, you were very reserved and didn't express your feelings outwardly. So, seeing you with a smile on your face is just something new to both Sayu and I," Sachiko explained, looking overjoyed to the point where her eyes glossed over as if she were about to cry. But she kept strong and didn't let a single tear slip, having cried enough earlier when you had shown up so unexpectedly.

Looking across the room and to the clock, you bit your lip in irritation. It was starting to get late and you knew that you would need to get back to the task force building. Lifting your head, you gave both Sayu and Sachiko an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry but it's getting quite late, I will have to leave soon." Both mother and daughter looked sad to hear of you leaving but didn't argue despite how much Sayu looked like she wanted to. It looked like they had so much to say but couldn't get any of it out. So, to end the silence, you spoke.

"But I can spend a little longer while I wait for my ride," you offered, hoping for that information to lighten the mood. And it did, making Sayu's face light up, continuing to deal the cards.

"You play too, mom," she encouraged, as she counted out the cards into three piles. Sachiko placed a hand on her cheek.

"Oh dear, Sayu, I haven't got a clue how to play this game."

"Don't worry, I'll teach you," Sayu enthused, pushing a pile towards you.


Standing out the front of the house, you took notice of the same black vehicle that had dropped you off. Watari sat in the front, sending you a nod when you met his gaze. Then you felt someone hug you from behind, their arms wrapping around your waist, forehead pressed to your back.

"Will you come back?" Sayu asked against your back, arms not daring to let go. Placing your hands over hers, you caressed them gently with your thumb, trying to reciprocate the affection as best as you could.

"Of course I'll return, you're so kind welcoming back into your home," you answered. Sachiko stood in the front doorway, smiling at the scene before her.

"You are always welcome here, my precious daughter," she smiled. Those words made you smile, not that the two could see you, your back facing them. So, to fully show them how much you appreciated it, you pulled Sayu's arms away and faced them. First to feel your affection was Sayu, you pulling her into a hug. She was quick to return the gesture, her arms holding you tightly. And she seemed to hold even tighter when you pressed a kiss to the top her head.

"Stay safe, little rabbit," you whispered next to her ear before pulling away. She let go, looking upset with the fact that you were leaving. But she looked a whole lot happier when you pressed a small piece of paper into her hand. She looked down at it, immediately recognizing that it was a phone number.

"Let's keep in touch." Sayu nodded, forcing a smile as tears began streaming down her cheeks. Then it was time to say goodbye to Sachiko. She gave a sad smile, walking outside to give you a hug.

"Look how you've grown, my beautiful daughter," she sadly chuckled, holding you tightly just as Sayu had done. The hug was a lot shorter than Sayu's but it still meant a lot, especially to Sachiko after your next action. Leaning forward, you pressed a kiss to her cheek, giving her another smile.

"I promise to visit again, mother."

Both Sayu and Sachiko watched you with dumbfounded expressions, neither having expected anything like that to happen at all. You had just called Sachiko mother, meaning that you had given in to their family and decided to properly act like their daughter and sister rather an outsider.

Before you got into the car, you turned and looked back at the two standing in front of your old house. They were one half of your family and you were proud to say it. They may not have been your biological family but that meant nothing.

Sachiko was your mother.

Soichiro was your father.

Light was your brother.

And, Sayu was your sister.

There was nothing that would get you to back down from that idea. Despite all of your insecurities, you were now certain that you wanted to be part of the Yagami family.

Fully accepting the name that was gifted to you, your first by a very dear friend and your last by a family that had taken you in despite your quirks and abnormalities.

(Y/n) Yagami

No L in this chapter but some character development, cause we all need that. L will definitely be in the next chapter, also a little more information about Akio, (Y/n)'s childhood friend. There's so much I want to do with this story and I hope it all goes to plan. Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed :)

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