10. Friendship

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"Thank you for this information, Miss Yagami, it will be very useful for the investigation," L informed. You turned and looked over your shoulder at Light who was talking to Matsuda, the pair being too far away to be overheard.

"You suspect him to be Kira?" you inquired, wanting to confirm the reason why L needed this info. The raven-haired male nodded his head, eyes moving to your younger brother too.

"I mean no offense by this, but a lot of evidence points to Light as a potential Kira suspect." You hummed, agreeing with him.

"He's an intelligent boy, has been ever since he was young. I don't doubt his capabilities, Light could quite possibly be Kira," you mumbled, loud enough for L to hear. He adjusted his position in his chair, arm brushing against your own. You turned to face him, meeting his gaze since his face was turned in your direction. He held it, not looking away, the same went for you. L was the first to move, leaning a little closer, his thumb brushing something off your cheek.

"You had sugar on your cheek," he pointed out.

"Thank you," you responded, reaching up to touch your cheek. The sound of someone clearing their throat caught both yours and L's attention. Aihara stood behind you, not looking too impressed.

"Brat, I've got a few extra files and not a lot of time, can you work through them?" he asked, trying to be somewhat polite but failing. It irritated you that he treated you so rudely but you accepted anyway, allowing him to place the large stack of files in front of you. Once his arms were empty, he trudged back over to his work space and continued with his other work. L lifted a file and eyed it.

"Do you do work like this often?" he asked, flipping through the file. Since he was a talented detective he never had to work with files unless he was using them to gather information. You nodded as you grabbed the first one, going over the first page.

"Yes, when I first joined the police force this is what I did. The older officers used to dump all of their files on me so I've gone through a lot, not that I minded. People tend to look down on me," you admitted. L tilted his head in curiosity, watching as you were able to fill out the parts you needed to while still being able to pay attention to the conversation the two of you were having.

"I hear that you've got a plethora of different skills, how did you train yourself in so many fields?" he asks, watching as you finished the first page, moving onto the next.

"When I left home I went straight to university and was able to attend various classes with the money I received from the scholarships I had earned. I had my major which was psychology but I found it to be very easy so I ended up using more of the money to attend even more classes. I picked up a lot of information from all of the classes, some were very unnecessary things but it gave me something to do I guess. Sometimes I find difficulty getting to sleep so I would go to night classes, head back to the small apartment I lived in at the time and study there until morning. Then I'd go to class again."

"Why did you choose psychology?" L inquired, resting his chin on one of his knees. You hummed as you thought, finishing another page and turning it over.

"All my life people have spoken about my mental health as if I wasn't right there and they treated me either like I was some kind of freak or as if I was intellectually handicapped. I wished to not only understand other's way of thinking but also find out why I am the way I turned out," you said truthfully, finishing the first file and moving onto the second without a break.

"Anyway, I spent 5 years at university and completed my doctorate in psychology, continuing to visit other classes in my spare time during that time. I also went to the library a lot, I never made any friends so I read a lot in my spare time to gather more information."

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