39. Unexpected

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You walked down the street with a disguised Misa by your side. Most of the buildings near the task force didn't have many people around them since there weren't any shops close by, people only going there for work. But as you distanced yourselves from the task force building, you began to see more people around. Since Misa was talking a lot, this became a worry. Seeing the cafe you'd decided to visit up ahead, you stopped Misa by grabbing onto her forearm to halt her movement. Noticing the contact, she turned to face you with a look of confusion on her face.

"What is it?" she asked, adjusting her glasses with her free hand. Looking around, you made sure that no one nearby before you spoke up.

"You've gotta shut up," you told her bluntly. Hearing your words, her eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

"Rude, I was only telling you about-"

"I don't mean it like that, Misa. If people hear your voice they'll immediately know it's you, the whole point of changing your appearance is so people don't recognise you," you continued, getting her to relax. Pulling her arm out of your grasp, she folded her them across her chest.

"Fine, I won't talk when we're around people. How's that?" she asked, trying to get her way. Not having a problem with it, you continued to walk, Misa rushing to catch up to you.

"Can't you smile or something? You look bored," she whispered aggressively at you, shaking your arm. You spared her a sideways glance as you entered the cafe, immediately noticing that a large majority of the other customers were not what you would consider datable. There were a lot of elderly there, spending some time at the cafe to fill in the day. It didn't take long for Misa to notice this as well, huffing in annoyance.

"Come on, I thought there would be some hot guys hanging out here," she whined quietly, knowing that if she wanted to talk she would need to keep her voice down. Not bothering to answer, you lead her to a table. Letting her sit down, you glanced over at the line and observed that it wasn't very long.

"I'll go order our drinks," you told her, getting her to whisper what she wanted in your ear before you headed to the counter.

The line was short, having only two people ahead of you and before you knew it you were at the front. Ordering your drinks, you pulled out your card to pay but stopped when someone cut in front of you.

"I've got this one," they said casually. Turning, you were met with the sight of a tall, familiar-looking man who offered a kind smile. It took you a moment to recall who he was, recognising him as the last person you'd met at the party you'd attended to get information about a possible second Kira suspect.

"Hey, do you remember me?" he asked, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You didn't hesitate to answer, nodding your head.

"Yeah, you're that guy who was hitting on me at that party. Uh... Yuuto, right?" you recalled, remembering the name he had given you that night. Hearing you say his name, he laughed awkwardly, his hand moving to the back of his neck.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd actually remember my name too. I do know your name though, (Y/n)," he chuckled, averting his gaze out of nervousness.

"Is it alright if I call you that? I mean, it's your first name." You nodded once more, directing your attention to the barista as she placed your drinks on the counter. Reaching for them, Yuuto eyed both the drinks curiously.

"Are you here with someone?" he asked, looking around the shop for the person you had come there with. You hummed in agreement as you walked over to your table, Yuuto following you over. Placing the drinks on the shared surface, you ignored the sparkling look in Misa's eyes as her gaze switched between yourself and the male beside you.

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