26. Worries

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You sat silently at your desk, thinking about the previous day. Both your talk with Kerrick and Mr Yagami. First, there was the whole L situation and then there was the question of whether or not you would fulfill Mr Yagami's request and visit home.

L, who's desk was next to yours, had noticed your absent-minded behavior, you not even responding after he spent a good ten whole minutes staring at you. It was obvious that there was something on your mind. Reaching over, he gave your shoulder a good few pokes before you came to, blinking a few times before turning you attention to the raven-haired man in front of you.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked, his head tilting to the side slightly as if it would give him a different perspective. Shrugging your shoulders, you returned to your work.

"It's nothing really," you tried to assure him. But that didn't work in the slightest, your rejecting making him even more interested in what was on your mind. Shifting his chair closer, he hovered over your shoulder.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" he pressed. You turned to look at him, this being a bad idea since L was in close proximity. Once you had turned your head, you immediately noticed how close your faces were. Even though the kiss wasn't what was bothering you at that moment, it became the problem. Turning your face in the other direction, you felt your cheeks heat up a little. L was unaffected and remained close, not understanding why you had done that.

"Do you dislike me, Miss Yagami?" This question startled you, making you turn back to face your work, being able to see him in the corner of your eye.

"No, I don't dislike you." He noticed how quickly you answered, becoming curious. He gave it a moment of thought before his face lit up, L thinking he had figured it out. 

"Is the thing that bothered you perhaps the kiss we shared?" he asked, catching you off guard. Sending another glance, you sighed quietly. Even though that one of the many reasons, you wouldn't admit that.

"No, do you really want to know what's bothering me?" you asked him, wanting to change the subject. He nodded, his hands resting on his knees as he sat in his usual position in his chair.

"I'm unsure why but I've become quite interested, do tell."

"Okay, but first tell why you want to know." You knew yourself that your question was odd but you were genuinely curious. Your problems had nothing to do with L but he had become quite nosy. L gave it a moment of thought, his hand moving to his mouth, teeth biting into his thumb nail. You watched him think, his mind, although extremely complex and intelligent, finding difficulty in his reasoning.

"I dislike the expression you make when you're in distress," he admits. You weren't sure how to take that answer so moved on to the main point of the conversation.

"Okay, earlier Aihara told me Mr Yagami wanted to see me so I visited him in confinement. He told me that he wanted me to go meet his wife and daughter but I'm unsure whether I should go or not."

"Why wouldn't you want to go?" he questioned. You turned you chair to face him, pulling your legs up and crossing them on the seat.

"It's been around nine years since I last saw them, I don't know if they'll be happy to see me or not." L watched intently, his dark eyes trying to read you. He noticed that you had an even more defined version of your distressed face, your frown more obvious.

"You're very insecure," he thought aloud.

"Insecure?" you questioned, not particularly speaking to anyone. Your words were more directed at yourself as you wondered whether or not you were insecure. You had confidence in your skills and work but other than that, you had a lot of unnecessary doubt.

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