27. Family

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You waiting silently in front of the door for a response and before you knew it, you got one. The sound of approaching footsteps filled your ears, putting you on high alert. Right not you were overly aware of where you were, your body becoming sensitive to everything around you. The cause of this was your nervousness and overwhelming worry that you would be rejected. But taking a glance back at Watari, who waited outside the car for you, made you feel a little better. Swallowing the lump in our throat, you faced forward and continued to wait.

The person was slow to open the door, having the wooden barricade swing back at a pace which allowed them to peek out before fully committing to opening it fully. You stood before that person, catching a full glimpse of her once she had completely opened the door. A middle-aged woman stood before you, her eyes scanning you before they widened in shock.

"(Y-Y/n)?" she stuttered out. You nodded your head, offering a nervous smile.

"Yes, it's me, Sachiko-san," you responded. She threw herself into your arms, beginning to quietly sob into your shoulder. Her cries were incoherent, you being unable to decipher what she was saying as she cried. So, to provide her with some comfort, you wrapped your arms around her trembling body, gently rubbing her back. It wasn't long until Sayu had noticed her mother's absence and went to check out what was going on at the door. The curious teenager poked her head around the corner, eyes locking onto the emotion-filled scene happening at her front door.

"Mom, are you okay?" she called, rushing over to see what was going on up close. But as soon as you heard her, you had looked up, meeting her gaze. She recognised you immediately, her legs beginning to shake. Grabbing onto the wall, she used it to stabilize her body, her hand moving to rest above her quickly beating heart. Sayu opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying to get your name out of her mouth. She wanted to say it but her throat became dry nothing coming out besides the sound of her heavy breathing.

Sachiko pulled away, smiling back at her daughter with eyes full of tears.

"Do you know who this is, Sayu?" she asked, wiping her face with the sleeve of her shirt. She nodded, launching herself at you just like her mother had done. With arms wrapped around your neck, you wrapped your own around your sister, feeling overjoyed that they were this happy to see you.

"Big sis," she whispered as if she didn't believe you to be there. But here you were, after nearly ten years. Sayu may have been young when you had been with their family but it looked like she had never forgotten you, her hands gripped tightly to the material of your shirt as if she would lose you if she were to let go. It put a smile on your face seeing someone so happy to see you, it was reassuring and made you feel good.

"Little rabbit," you mumbled out, hearing and paying no mind to the sound of Watari driving off behind you. After you calling her by her nickname, Sayu seemed to cling even tighter, not planning on letting go. It was only when her mother called her, this managing to pry the happy teen from you. But that didn't stop her from being close, the younger woman holding onto your arm as if to stop you running away.

"Why don't you come inside?" Sachiko welcomed you, holding the door open wide to show that she wished for you to come in. You did as she asked, bowing your head before walking through the front door, Sayu not letting go of you. Slipping your shoes off at the door, you made sure they were placed neatly before following Sachiko into the living room. Being in that house again made you feel warm and safe, a feeling you hadn't had in a long time. The Yagami family had been so kind to you, taking you in and treating you like their own child despite the difficulties that came with raising you. The time you spent together was short but this place meant a lot to you, it was the true definition of home.

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