41. Kerrick and Misa

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The elevator rose, taking you closer to the floor you wanted to return to. It didn't take long for you to reach your destination, the doors opening with a ding once you'd arrived. Misa happily skipped out, her eyes locking onto the tall male who was standing in front of your shared bedroom. His fist was raised, ready to knock against the wooden door. But after hearing the elevator, he had turned to see who was there. You stepped out after Misa, offering a small smile to your friend.

"Is this him?" Misa asked, initially looking a little intimidated by his large stature. You nodded, walking past her to greet your friend.

"Aw, I missed you," he expressed, opening his arms for a hug. Not minding the gesture, you walked into his embrace and returned the hug.

"Me too," you hummed, feeling a lot more relaxed knowing that Kerrick was here with you now. Pulling away, Kerrick's dark eyes focused on the blonde who was handcuffed to you. She did not imagine your friend to be a large, dark-skinned man, making her need a moment to properly wrap her head around it. You'd told her a lot of things about him, how kind and lovable he was. This wasn't the kind of person she had in mind, but after receiving a caring smile from him, she seemed to relax.

"And who might this be?" Kerrick asked you, smiling happily at the silent blonde. You looked back at Misa, noticing how her face suddenly lit up.

"I'm Misa," she enthused, her eyes sparkling as she offered him her hand to shake.


"No way, I've always wanted to get some of that," Kerrick gushed, looking down at the magazine in Misa's hands. She giggled, lifting it up to point at the product advertised within its pages.

"It's so nice on my skin, I'll have to give you some to try out," she offered, lifting her drying nails to blow on them. Kerrick did the same, the pair now attached at the hip now that they knew they had a lot in common. And unfortunately for you, you were attached to Misa, so you were along for the ride. Every time she would lift her hands to dry her nails, you were tugged along, and it was even worse when she got super excited over something. She'd jump up in excitement, unknowingly pulling at the chain that connected your wrists. You pulled back, grabbing Misa's attention. Her gaze shifted in your direction, her brows furrowing in annoyance.

"Come on, lighten up (Y/n)," Kerrick chuckled, making you look up from the book that was in your hands. You stared at him with an expressionless face, showing your displeasure in the situation. Misa meeting Kerrick had its ups and downs. The positives were that her attention was focused on him, the two yammering on about the things they liked. Their interests aligned greatly, giving them a tonne of things to talk about.

But the negative was that you were attached to one of them, meaning that you were along for the ride. Every time Misa jumped with excitement or squealed loudly, you were right there to experience it first-hand. When they talked, they were in their own little world so your suffering was none of their concern. They were too busy, Misa ranting about Light and the two discussing makeup and fashion. You weren't well versed in those topics, not having anything to contribute to their conversation.

"Why don't you join in? Don't be so antisocial," Misa scolded, tugging on the chain so you'd pay attention to her. Kerrick nodded in agreement, waving his finger in a playfully disapproving way.

"Join us," he sang, leaning over Misa to poke your shoulder. You shifted away from his touch, not appreciating his long finger pressing into your arm.

"I have zero interest in whatever you're talking about," you told them bluntly, directing your attention to your phone as it buzzed next to you. Picking it up, you noticed that you had a message from Yuuto. It was something generally kind, mentioning how he'd really enjoyed seeing you again. As you answered the message, Misa heaved an exaggerated sigh.

"You're never interested in anything, come join our girl talk. It's important for girls to know about this stuff," the blonde encouraged. You knew that wasn't the case at all, girls didn't need to know any of this shit. It was just expected of you because you were born a female, having the expectation to be feminine. Knowing that she wasn't going to give up, you put both your phone and book away and joined their little circle.

"Why exactly is this important?" you asked, wanting to know her reasoning behind this. She smiled widely, her gazing shifting to Kerrick before landing on you.

"Well, to impress boys of course," she smiled, looking proud of her answer. You glanced at Kerrick, the larger male knowing that you didn't like the idea of that at all.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in any of that. The whole idea of doing things for male attention is really stupid," you told her, the shocked expression on her face showing her exact feelings. She took a moment to think about it before looking back up at you, a confused look on her face.

"I don't get it, you're always so negative or showing no emotion at all. How does Yuuto even..." she trailed off, it not making sense in her head. You watched as she tried to make sense of it, Kerrick giving you a worried look. You were well aware that you weren't good at expressing your emotions, knowing that was a major flaw in your character. But you felt like you were getting better at it, trying to show when things made you happy by smiling and laughing.

"Never mind that, have a look at this," Kerrick said, distracting Misa. She directed her attention in his direction, looking at the image that was on his phone screen. She leaned closer to see it, noticing that it was a picture of you dressed in something she would never expect you to wear. It was so revealing, the dress hugging your hips nicely to show off your shapely figure. The dress was accompanied by your beautifully painted face, an uncaring expression topping it off.

You remembered taking that photo, dressing up like that for a charity gala you needed to infiltrate for work. It was a basic tactic, but you were thankful that Kerrick had taken the attention off of you. You weren't the most outwardly emotional person, but that didn't mean that you didn't feel anything.

I feel that Misa would be the kind of person that is unintentionally insulting. Anyway, sorry for the long wait. Next time we'll have the date, so you have that to look forward to. Can't wait to write everything I have planned for this story. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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