Hosu Horror

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Iida POV:

The Work Studies went underway for me to begin learning under the pro I had gained an offer with. However, this was a ploy for me to get into Hosu. Under the pro hero Manual, I will be able to find the Hero Killer and avenge my brother who I had discovered faced and was paralyzed by Stain. "Tenya, are you alright?"

"Yes. Sorry."

"You know, something's been bothering me for a while and I wanted to ask you about it. You chose my agency to go after the Hero Killer, didn't you?" I froze knowing that I had been found out. "I understand that he is a villain and it's probably for the better if he's stopped, but we aren't the law. We only enforce it." Manual stopped for a moment before correcting himself. "I'm sorry! It's just that you're rather straight laced and could be a great hero to the point I don't want to see you fall down a bad road is all!"

"Understandable. Thank you for your concerns." In the side of my eye, I noticed a woman with pink hair in pigtails walking with an infant looking as if it was smoking a cigar. "Should we...do something about that woman allowing her son to smoke."

"It's best not to get involved with Ms. Chiffon. She's a member of the Charlotte family and the wife of Capone Gang 'Bege'."

"A Charlotte is in this city? Why aren't we arresting her?"

"Look." A random person had come up to the Charlotte woman and ripped her bag with a knife.

"Get Outta town ya damned Charlotte!" The woman spoke nothing, but simply began trying to pick up what she had fall while struggling with holding her child.

I began moving to help before being stopped by Manual. "If people in this city see you helping a Charlotte, they'll think you're part of the family's underground crime syndicate. It's best to keep walking and pretend nothing happened."

"But sir-"

"The person who did this will get what's coming to them. Capone doesn't let his family get targeted and turn a blind eye." The sound of a shout came from an alley the person that had cut the bag went for it to not phase Manual.

"Sir. Does this happen often?"

"Sadly. Nobody can stand up to the Charlotte family since several can't even be touched. Those heroes that are bold or stupid enough face the wrath of the Sweet Enforcers or Big Mom herself if they anger her enough. The main reason they aren't stopped is because someone can't stand up to turn the tides."

"So all the Charlottes are evil?"

"Not really. There's several that are bad eggs, but if you look, there's one or two that are good. The problem is, the world around us refuses to accept this."

I began to look back at the woman Manual called Chiffon to see her tie a knot where the hole in the bag she had was and fill it again. I didn't see at this moment a woman that naturally was evil with an evil son. I simply noticed a woman and her child having the misfortune they did of being born into a family of villains. 'I wonder if Midoriya is the same and could turn the tides as Manual said.'

Izuku POV:

As me and the rest of the Ryukyu agency entered Hosu, we were led by aunt Lola to her sister's home. From what I learned, aunt Chiffon lived in Hosu with her family and is making a somewhat honest living. Since her husband is a double agent for the cops to give some info about the Charlotte family, he has a bit of back dealings that he can't say or go into great detail on. It took him some years from what I learned to get where he is in the group, but he's one step away from getting into Big Mom's inner circle. "Ok. We're here." We got to the door of an apartment that had the name 'Capone' on the plate.

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