Ferocious Charge

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With Ochako and Nejire, 3rd person POV:

Ochako charged at Monet for her to cover the entire area with snow to stop them from going anywhere. "So she can use some kind of snow power?"

"That's right. You're looking at the power of the Snow Snow Fruit. I ate it and became a snow woman."

"NEJIRE WAVE!" Hado attacked Monet for her body to be turned into snow and hide within the blizzard she was making. "Oh, right. She can avoid attacks if they're not Haki based or something that can naturally beat snow."

"And that'll be your mistake!" Monet came behind Hado for her to try and bite her shoulder, but was punched in the face by Ochako. "Filthy brat!" She tried to hide back in the area for both Hado and Ochako to stay back to back. "I should've known that members of the Worst Generation would be more of a fight. But if I were to run away now, Joker would kill me." Monet came from the side to attack Ochako for her to see what looked like blades made of ice. "Snow swords." Ochako was sent into wall for it to panic Hado.


As the smoke cleared, Ochako showed her arms coated in Haki to indicate she protected herself on the moment of impact. "You're tougher than you look."

Ochako glared at Monet while holding her arms in a fighting stance again. "Two years ago, Izuku went into hell all to save a man who thought so highly of him. I've seen him time and time again take so much pain he shouldn't have to, but still do whether given the option or not to. You don't understand how frustrating it is to have to stand back and watch as someone you care about put his own life on the line just so the people around you can constantly bad mouth and belittle him! THE WAR ENRAGED ME TO NO END BECAUSE I HAD TO WATCH IZUKU BE BROKEN MENTALLY! AT THAT POINT, I MADE A VOW THAT I COULD BE THERE FOR HIM AND FIGHT NOT AS JUST AN ALLY, BUT AN EQUAL!" Ochako charged at Monet and began giving repeated punches for the bird woman to parry them with her feathers. The two repeated their antics and had matched one another blow for blow. In an attempt to get the upper hand, Monet turned back into snow and attempted to go behind Ochcako with Hado giving a blast from her power and the brunette giving a solid punch to the snow woman's face.

Flying back, Monet became enraged to make two ice picks to attack Hado for her to dodge both with her eye pupils holding a red tint to them before blasting her again. 'These two. They're not normal. They know Haki?'

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US!" Ochako gave another punch to Monet's stomach this time for her to go flying into a wall for Hado to fly up and give a stomp to her with her leg covered in a slight purple hue. "OCHAKO!" Hado grabbed Monet and began spinning her before finally letting go and sending her flying directly into Ochako who had aged her body up to become that of an adult.

 "OCHAKO!" Hado grabbed Monet and began spinning her before finally letting go and sending her flying directly into Ochako who had aged her body up to become that of an adult

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"I've solidified my dedication and prepped my body for every scenario. Now feel the fury of a mature woman's iron fist of dedication!" Ochako pulled her fist back and aimed it right at Monet's face.

The Charlotte HeroΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα