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3rd person POV:

As Whitebeard stood motionless and Izuku fell unconscious from succumbing to his injuries, Marco looked at the members of the crew that stood beside them crying. "Everyone. We need to take Izuku out of here and save the rest of our crew." Through his own tears, the First Division Commander gritted his teeth in anger. "We need to uphold Pop's legacy. To him, Izuku was worthy enough to take his place, so we must accept and follow it as his loyal sons."

Two of the larger members began picking up Izuku and carrying him off. Marco however stayed for a little longer to watch Blackbeard's crew put a cover over him and Whitebeard. "YOU BASTARDS!"

All Might attempted to attack the group with AFO standing in the way and taking his attack head on. "Now. Now. I think it's time we have our own battle. Don't you agree, All Might."

"All For One. You're going to pay for what you've done and played a part in!" The two clashed with the shockwave sending those around back in response.

As the fighting continued, Yaoyorozu looked around the battlefield in horror. Though the success was for the Marines right now, nobody dared stop fighting with several people falling. This became more agonizing as the Creation quirk user began awakening a more advanced form of Observation Haki to feel the level of pain they had felt. "This...This is just wrong."

"You've got that right." Smoker let a deep exhale out before lighting a cigar. "Everyone is right now hungry for blood where they'd forget even those beside them. In the most simple term, the entire battlefield isn't afraid to kill those that stand next to them now."

"Isn't it fantastic, Smoker?" The two turned to see Doflamingo watching and smiling like a madman. "It's hilarious. Those that have lived a comfy life do not understand the struggles those that fought and dragged their way through hell just to survive. We as the winners in life believe we can understand what they go through, but we as a whole can never understand. This is it though. The true understanding of absolute madness! Humanity brought to their most basic instincts to kill one another. HAHAHA!"

Yaoyorozu glanced out in the distance to see Izuku being pulled out of the area with Newkama Land's residents and several pro heroes trying to help take him out of the area safely. As they did, several villains and pros against the Whitebeards tried to stop them with it turning into ally vs ally. "Smoker. Did this have to happen?" Yaoyorozu asked for the Vice Admiral to breathe out smoke. "If my uncle would've just let things be with the Whitebeards or at the very least executed Ace and Ryukyu away from the public eye, would this have happened?"

"We're at the point now where looking at the past and questioning if what we did and didn't do would've done things differently won't do us any damn good. Right now, we need to find a way to stop the crisis at hand. And though you may not believe it, the only way is to settle two matters. The faction fighting alongside the Whitebeards and Blackbeard."

Before they could react, a large volcanic eruption happened from underground to have everyone panic. "What was that?"

"....Your uncle's still in this fight."

At the scaffold

Blackbeard's men began pulling the cloak they placed over him and Whitebeard for there to be no actual change as far as anyone can tell. "It seems you are finished, Teach. Care to show us what that trick was about?"

"Oh, you'll love this, AFO." Blackbeard smiled as he reached his hands out and gripped something in front of him. When he pulled, the ground around everyone began shaking and breaking apart.


"That's the Tremor Tremor Fruit's power! How does he have it!?" Pros, Marines and villains watching struggled to keep balance.

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