Gaining Backing

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Momo POV:

The morning came for me to wake up on the marine ship of the pro I was doing my work study with. I began to dress before exiting the cabin and heading above deck. There. I met my Work Study instructor to salute him. "Sengoku sir!"

 "Sengoku sir!"

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"At ease kid. I'm too old to be saluted like that." He continued to eat from his morning meal before looking at the morning paper. "Seems the Hero Killer is down and out. Respect to the person that did this."

'From what I remember, the Hero Killer is a powerful enemy that requires at least one Vice Admiral to take on. So who was strong enough to take him down?'

"You're from the first years, right Creati?"

"Yes sir."

He went through the paper before asking another question. "You know some kid named Rebunda? Apparently he took down Stain."

"The Charlotte took down the Hero Killer!?" I grabbed the newspaper to see the article. "Last night during an attack by three man made creatures discovered to be Nomu made by the League of Villains, a new name to the hero society had been given the ability to defeat the Hero Killer called the Charlotte Hero: Rebunda. From pro hero reports of Fire Fist and Ryukyu as well as from Admiral Fujitora, Rebunda was able to do this through authorization to use his quirk!?" I threw the paper to the ground in anger. "DAMMIT!"

"Seems you're in a fit. What was he, an ex boyfriend or something like that to dump you cold? HAHAHAHA!" Sengoku kept eating for me to desire begining training immediately.

"Sir! Please allow me to train with the Six Powers so I can defeat the Charlotte!"

"Yeah. Not gonna happen." He ignored me to start picking his nose acting like I wasn't even there.

"Why though!?"

"Because...I don't feel like it." I was holding back the urge to scream at my uncle's predecessor to the title of Fleet Admiral before he continued. "The trick is for the Marines to keep peace, not for you to start a cold blooded pursuit against a kid that has a cleaner record than most high ranking Marines and heroes. To be honest, if he wasn't a Charlotte, you'd be friends with him."


Sengoku looked at me seriously before cutting me off. "Do not think I have forgotten what your uncle and I have covered up in regards to what you've done to him. If the hero board were to find out about it, you'd be expelled from the hero course and never be one. You can also forget about being a Marine like your uncle since an act of violence like that would immediately ban you from joining. You're lucky that I even agreed to bring you on my ship." He got up to go near a hammock set up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my morning nap." He immediately fell asleep for it to anger me to no end.

'I guess I'm alone with training today....again.'

Izuku POV:

I started to wake up in a hospital bed feeling my body ache all over. "Ow...where am I?"

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