Jail Break

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At Impel Down's entrance, 3rd person POV:

Ace and Ryukyu walked out of the prison in cuffs noticing a Marine warship ready to pick them up. "Are the prisoners ready to be transported?"

"Yes. Impel Down hereby transfers the prisoners Ace and Ryukyu to you." Magellan states this while being saluted by a Marine officer transferring them. Upon arrival on the ship, the two were met by Akainu who was sitting calmly and staring at them.

"To think I'd see the day the Whitebeard's second division and former vice fourth division commanders end. This truly is a spectacle."

"You don't know what you're getting into, Akainu. You start a war with Pops, you're going to cause every Marine officer under your protection to be put into carnage. Are you prepared to sacrifice half the men you bring to this war?" Ryukyu glared in anger at the Fleet Admiral before a man with a plague mask came out.

"Trust me when I say things won't go as you think, Dragon Hero. Unlike most of the people there, my group will make certain the body count is more in Whitebeard's numbers than any other."

"If you truly think that, then you're dumber than I thought, Hassaikai member."

"Look. None of us agree with this, but at least take this with some dignity. Not our fault you were caught by the Marines."

"Oh, and says the woman that's more fanservice than an actual hero." Ryukyu retorted back as Mt. Lady hung out on the top deck as an assistant to transporting the two. "If any pros side with the Marines right now, what happens is their own fault for not having a notable amount of information of how Pops does things. Besides. We all know who the real monsters are here and it's not the ones in chains."

"Hey! Don't blame your own problems on someone else just cause you're being arrested! And my fanbase isn't something to judge me on!"

"It is if half the guys that look you up are looking for fap material." Ace responded back with some irritation before Akainu got up from his chair. He stood behind both Whitebeard members before pulling a gun and pointing it at both their heads.

"I'm done listening to this useless dribble. Keep in mind who holds all the cards here, you two. If I wanted to, I could end you both right here and now and not lose any sleep over it!"

"Hey, isn't that a little overboard? I know they're part of a pirate group that doesn't take orders from any acting form of government, but still-"

"SHUT UP!" Mt. Lady stopped speaking when the Fleet Admiral glared at her. "The goal is to use this as an opportunity to kill Whitebeard and shift the balance of power where the Yankos aren't the top beings. If you can't stomach that, then get off my ship! MEN! WEIGH ANCHOR!" The Marines did as their leader said for some pros on the ship to have misgivings agreeing to side with Akainu, but kept their mouth shut knowing his track record and the fact he's not someone to cross.

With Izuku

As the group that was from Level 6 returned to Newkama Land, Ivankov stared down at Bon who was on his side in notable pain. "Are you ready, Bon boy? You're going to be able to move, but feel it tomorrow."

"I'm ready, Iva. Please let me help however I can." Bon was ready to do what he could with Iva turning his fingers into needles.

"Emporio Tension Hormones!" She jabbed him right in his crotch for Izuku to shutter at this. "Whoops. I think I hit his balls with vigor."

"N-Newkama Laaand." Bon states this with an extremely pained expression on his face.

"...I do not envy him for having that happen." Izuku states this as Iva turned to everyone.

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