Move In

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Izuku POV:

The days following the weekend were relatively calm and for some reason, reassuring. After classes, Uraraka and I would do our homework together in the common space after changing into something more comfortable. When we finished, we did a bit of training and then relaxed in the common area. I normally read with Uraraka spending her time watching the news. Since the Tea Party was this weekend, we were kinda uneasy with what was to happen with us trying not to talk about it. We did have a few guests check in on us and make sure we were doing alright. They mainly consisted of the Big 3, Iida, Todoroki, Kendo, and the crew of the Whitebeards who were able to come. The strangest person out of everyone to come however was Red Haired Shanks. I honestly didn't care that he came since I wanted to thank him for what he did for me during the incident with the Warlords. Today however, I knew was going to be a pain in the ass since tomorrow was the tea party and everyone was going to move in today.

"C'mon Midoriya. Mr. Aizawa said he wanted us to head outside." Uraraka started pulling my arm out towards the entrance to see everyone with Mr. Aizawa. "Sorry sir, we kinda overslept."

"It's fine. Midoriya. How are you feeling?"

"Been better, but definitely worse. Can't complain after what happened though."

"At least you're moving around. Alright, let me explain once again why you are in the dorms so you all don't complain why you're here. You're here because the Marine's Fleet Admiral decided to cause an attack on your classmate Midoriya who mind you did nothing to provoke an attack. Due to this, we the staff have believed it was far safer for all of you to go into the dorms and live on campus where we can guarantee your safety a tad bit better than if you were commuting. Midoriya has absolutely zero reason for you to hate him. If you want someone to complain to for having this happen, look to Akainu."

Mr. Aizawa led us inside where he explained the fine details of what was going on. Basically it was about the guys and girls having two different sides only accessible on the bottom floor which is the common space with the kitchen, baths, etc. "Curfew for you all is 9 in the dorms and 10 in your rooms. Any objections?"

"Yeah, I got one." Bakugou raised his hand while pointing towards me. "WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO LIVE NEXT TO HIM ON THE SECOND FLOOR!" On the chart we were shown, I was positioned between the Pomeranian who was the first room and Frenchy who was on the other side of me.

"You think I'm happy I have to have your ugly mug be the first face I see? I'd rather sleep in the room beside an ogre. At least their face is naturally ugly when they're born for not much to be expected beauty wise."

"WHAT YOU SAY!" He tried to hit me with an explosion for it to go right through me.

"Did you honestly think I was going to get hurt when I've shown you countless times that you can't hit me?"

"Alright, the both of you. If you have a complaint about that, then have someone else trade places with you. Anyone wanna change for the guys with Bakugou?"

There was silence before Todoroki raised his hand. "I've got nothing against Midoriya. Might as well do this to avoid any arguments."

"Either of you have a complaint to this?"

"I've got nothing against Todoroki."


"Any other complaints?" Frenchy decided to ask for a change with Iida taking his place for the rest to be kinda simple and straightforward for us to move on. "Alright. Just make sure you all don't kill each other or cause problems for one another. I'll see some of you tomorrow." He walked away with me and Uraraka heading towards the couch. I pulled out a book I was reading with most of the class looking at me in anger.

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