Chapter 16

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The pasta was cooked, the movie was on, and I was sat comfy with a plate of homemade food on my lap

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The pasta was cooked, the movie was on, and I was sat comfy with a plate of homemade food on my lap. Oh, and Jacob was sitting really close to me. Like... very close. Our thighs were pressed against each other and his body heat was radiating on to me. I wasn't concentrating on the movie because every fibre of my being was concentrating on how I was eating and how my mouth was moving or if I was chewing quietly or not.

Jacob laughs at a scene in the movie and it causes me to look over at him. He looks at peace, a smile itching to crawl onto his face. His eyes gleam under the fluorescent lights and the atmosphere changes instantly.

A small laugh escapes my mouth and Jacob's face contorts, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"He's dying, why are you la-" He glances over at me to see my eyes already on him. Embarrassed, my cheeks heat up and I squirm under his gaze.

Jacob sighs deeply, his breath fanning my face with warmth.

"The pasta was delicious. You should cook more often for me." He tucks a strand of my dark hair behind my ear. I slightly lean into his touch.

"The dude who helped me wasn't that bad of a cook, so..."

"Wasn't that bad? That's the best compliment you could come up with?" He moves his hand from my cheek and leaned forward to put both of our plates on the coffee table in front of us.

"Well, I don't want to lie to you." I glumly say.

"Damn Aria, you know how to bruise a guy's ego."

"It doesn't take a lot to bruise your ego, does it?"

He shakes his head solemnly before curling a tendril of my hair around his finger.

"Your hair is so soft." He murmurs, in his own world.

"Yeah, because I don't use a three-in-one like you probably do."

Jacob presses a hand to his heart, feigning upset.

"How dare you think so lowly of me."

I laugh quietly before his hands captures the bottom of my chin and he lifts it up to meet his gaze.

"Has anyone told you how beautiful your eyes are?" He whispers, his peer flickering from one eye to the other.

I gulp before nodding my head, he frowns.

"This girl once randomly told me that my eyes were the prettiest eyes she's ever seen. Bare in mind, she was five. And my cousin. But that's beside the point."

Jacob smiles at my story, and it lights up my heart.

"Add another person to the list then, because I'm also telling you. And I'm not five, or your cousin."

I smile sweetly before he drops my chin and focuses back on the movie.

Jacob left a couple of hours later, promising to call me before college started the next day.


Jacob crawls on top of me, his eyes full of lust and desire. His tongue darts out and licks his bottom lip. I yearn for his touch and I reach out for him, pulling him closer. His muscles contract under my fingers, sending a tingle down my spine. His hips connect with mine, sending a bolt of electricity through my stomach. Butterflies started to form in the pit of my belly as I took in Jacob's naked form. Our legs were tangled under the sheets and his fingers were entwined in mine.

He wasn't doing the one thing I wanted him to do, he's wasn't kissing me.

"Kiss me," I hear myself whisper and Jacob obliges, bringing his lips closer to mine. Closer... closer... closer...

My alarm clock screeches and I jolt awake, my breathing heavy.

"Oh, God." I groan, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes.

I remember my dream and my eyes widen as I fling the duvet off of myself. My hands travel down to my underwear that were soaking wet. I squeal when I feel it.

What the hell happened? Why am I suddenly getting wet dreams and why is it of him?

I know I like him, that much is obvious, but am I that whipped, that the mere thought of him is turning me on and bringing me to my knees? What the hell.

My mind replays the dream and I find myself biting my lip in anticipation. Okay... I have serious problems.

My phone ringing from the bedside table brings me out of my thoughts. I glance to the side and see Jacob's name bless my screen. My eyes widen and I try to scream but no sound leaves my throat.

Clearing my throat, I answer the phone.

"Hey Jacob!" I say over-enthusiastically, mentally slapping myself.

"Hey, did I wake you?"

"No, I was already awake." Dreaming of fucking you.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

The best.

"Yeah, it was alright. You?" Please tell me you were dreaming of railing me.

"Got a few hours in. Better then nothing though." You railed me for a few hours?

"That's good. Are you coming to college today?"

"Yeah, but I have football practise during my first few lessons." Play me like a football, sir.

I don't think Jacob's in any of my classes at all this year.

"Well, good luck during practise." I say.

"Thanks. I'll try my hardest for you." Hard.

"Okay," I smile even though he can't see me. "Have a good day."

"You too, Bailey."

"Did you just call me by my surname?"

"I was trying something new. Does it work?" Try something new on me.

"It does the job. Have a good day, bye, Rickson."

He chuckles on the other end before hanging up. My mind is officially in the gutter. I can't even have one thought without thinking about my dream, or what could be. But I have a fucked up mind. And it takes two to tango, so Jacob would also need to have feelings for me, which isn't remotely possible... right?

It's almost midnight but I will not. Stop. Writing!

Just kidding, I'm going to sleep now.

Also, what did we think about Aria's dream?
-H ⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️

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