Chapter 5 - Shame of Defeat

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Ethan was running over sweeping plains hosting tall wheat-colored grass, past sleepy cattle herds and houses with lights out for the night. The moonlight illuminated his way ahead, clear as midday. Finally, he slowed down on a path cutting through a lakefront park.

It was a beautiful night with the moon's bright reflection on the lake and the gentle breeze through the tree leaves. He stopped by a park bench to appreciate the view. A birdbath next to the seat caught his eye. He peered over the edge, and a handsome face stared back.

Twisted blond tendrils escaped their restrictions and danced around his temples. Sculpted, arched eyebrows framed his lean face and emphasized a full-lower lip.

But that was weird. That face did not belong to him.

Ethan stirred awake in an unfamiliar bed. He blinked rapidly to adjust his sight to the harsh white of the sterile environment. A warm hand clutched his. His mother sat in a chair beside his hospital bed, her head resting on his arm. She wore the same clothes when he last saw her, so he could not have slept for more than a day or two.

He reached out to touch her head, but a sharp jab in his side caused him to pull up, hissing sharply.

The sound woke his mother.

"Ethan? Oh, merciful Luna, you are awake." She leaned over to check on him, worry etched on her face. Ethan noticed tubes running up his arm to bags hanging on a pole by his bedside.

The pain in his side opened the floodgates of memory, and he remembered, in humiliating detail, the thrashing he had received at the hands of Ben Ryden.

Tears gathered under his lashes as he remembered the pitiful defense he put up in that fight and the subsequent beating he had received. A lone tear escaped, rolling down the side of his face.

"Ethan? Are you in pain? Are the meds not working? Lemme get Dr. Kim." His mother was out the door before he could tell her to stop. She returned with Dr. Kim in tow.

Anyone who knew Emily Kim would correctly guess she was related to the raven-haired doctor standing before him. But with the striking resemblance, most would mistake Dr. Kim for an older sister instead of her mother.

"So, Ethan. How do you feel?" Dr. Kim asked, picking up his chart.

"Sore," Ethan grunted. His mother helped prop him up with pillows.

"Any dizziness or headaches?" Dr. Kim shone a small torch in his eye, studying his reaction.

"A little."

She continued her exam, taking special care with the inflamed area around his left rib. Throughout her inspection, she questioned him about his recollection of the attack. Ethan reddened at the memory, feeling a mixture of shame and anger.

His mother squeezed his hand, lending her support.

"Well, Ethan, the good news is I expect you will make a full recovery. Unfortunately, that blow to your head gave you a bad concussion. You also suffered a broken rib, a nasal fracture... and several bruises on your face, arms, and legs. It is my understanding you have not had your first moon yet."

Dr. Kim was nothing if not professional in her care, but this new subject compounded his shame.

"Correct." He felt the heat climbing up his neck and ear.

"Since that's the case, it will take your body longer to recover from the injuries. I expect the progress to be similar to that of a human. I would order a week of mandatory bed rest to give your rib enough time to set." She jotted some stuff down. "Afterwards, you can move around but no strenuous activity. Remember, your body does not have the resilience of a stable wolf. So nothing more than walking to and from class. You can't even go skipping the steps".

Ethan knew the doctor had not meant that in a derogatory manner. But it still hurt when she reminded him that his body was inferior to that of a fully-turned werewolf.

Before he could spiral into self-loathing, Zyga and a subdued Cody entered the room.

"Glad you are here, Roman," Dr. Kim said. "The parole guards requested a statement from Ethan. I didn't want them disturbing his sleep. Can you handle them? Thanks," She added when Zyga agreed.

It always felt weird when someone called his father's beta by anything other than his title. Ethan often forgot Zyga had a real name. At the moment, Roman fixed him with a stare that promised an earful later.

Dr. Kim excused herself after scheduling a follow-up in a couple of weeks.

"What were you thinking?" Zyga spat out as soon as she was out of the door. "Are you trying to get yourself kill-"

"Zyga," his mother interrupted. "We are still in the hospital. There are many ears."

The wiry old wolf bit down the rest of his words. Ethan, happy to delay the verbal flaying, tapped his bedside for Cody to join him.

"Glad to see you got out ok." He smiled at his brother.

"They caught me, but I screamed, and the patrol guards heard it." Cody's eyes were haunted, and a somber tone replaced the high cheerful voice from that evening. Ethan's heart ached as much for himself as for his little brother.

"Here." Zyga handed him two sheets of paper. One bore an embossed image of two pine cones at the bottom: the official logo of Snow Pine territory.

"What's that?"

"It's a letter of apology from Ben. The other is a pledge from his father to cover your hospital bills." Zyga's voice was flat, yet it managed to convey the disgust he felt.

"A letter?" Ethan's mother asked, her voice rising with incredulity despite her previous advice.

Zyga shook his head in resignation. "Naomi, we will not get much from him until Ethan is ready to challenge Ben on his own."

Bitter bile of anger rose in Ethan. "I guess Alpha could not even bother to have Ben apologize in person?"

"Zyga, how long do we have to bear these insults?" His mother's usual warm voice had deadened to a lethal tone.

A surge of pride filled Ethan's breast when he thought of his mother's willingness to fight for the family's honor. Yet, that double-edged sentiment also humbled him because he was too weak to fight his own battles.

"Patience, Naomi. There will be time for everything." Zyga's note was final, but his eyes said he understood.


Hi lovelies, thanks for reading.If you loved it don't forget to vote, comment and add to your library.

Hands up if you've ever had to deal with some unpleasant person at school. 

Dealing with school bullies is tough. And I know facing one with an even powerful parent protecting them is so much worse. The world feels so unfair then. To anyone who is in a similar situation, I want to tell you to keep your chin up. Don't let them break your spirit. High school is just a phase of life and there's light at the end of the tunnel.

As usual, I would love to here your feedback on the story in general and this chapter in particular.

What did you like?

And what didn't you like?

What did you think about the characters?

Next chapter is already being edited. I will post it in a couple of days.


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