Chapter 71 - Biting Kiss

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A/N: Head's up. MxM sexual content.

Out in the empty hallway of the sixth floor, Ethan waited, watching his mate's reaction. Jan did not move. His chest did not even swell with breath. Instead, he stared back at him, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape as if he had been flash-frozen on the spot.

At any other time, Ethan would have marveled that he was able to shock the usually composed man into a stupor. But right now, his heart was pummeling in his throat, and every nerve in his body urged Ethan to grab him, to hold him, or do anything to convince him of the truth.

His brain shut down. And he caved in to his instincts, doing the one thing he had always wanted to do since that first night in his bedroom: he leaned forward and crushed his lips against Jan's.

Ah, he sighed. They were as soft and succulent as he had imagined.

Shock held his mate's limbs captive. Jan stood stiff in his arms, swaying under the pressure of the wolf's passionate onslaught like a reed in the swift current of a river.

He stumbled back, the motion seeming to kick-start his brain into action. Then he brought his hands up against Ethan's broad chest, stiffening them to keep him away. But the strength in his arms was less than a human's.

In that frailty, Ethan read his mate's hesitation.

He pressed on, stepping closer to merge their bodies and tighten the embrace around his semi-reluctant lover. Finally, Jan melted in his arms with a soft sigh. He tilted his chin up and started moving his mouth.

Oh, Luna, he's kissing me back!

His heart leaped for joy. And a fire lit somewhere down below and raced through his veins to the rest of his body.

Ethan wrapped his fingers around his mate's head and deepened the kiss. Drawing the full lower lip into his mouth, he suckled and then nipped it gently. Jan licked his upper lip, inviting him in. And the hungry young wolf obliged.

He was ecstatic, but he wanted more.

He thrust his tongue into Jan's moist mouth, chasing after the tempting, warm muscle. But it only flirted and teased his, constantly slipping out of reach like a playful kitten. He groaned and then clenched his fingers in the soft golden tresses, holding his mate's head steady so that he could sample and savor at will.

So sweet.

Jan's hands fell down to Ethan's waist, and he grabbed fistfuls of his sweatshirt, also holding tightly onto him. Had he any spare breath, he would have chuckled because the greedy Lycan had no intention of letting his mate go.

The hallway around them faded away. The hotel and everyone else downstairs disappeared. There was nothing but him, Jan, and the soft, sensual touches of their lips and tongues.

They kissed until his lungs screamed at him. And he was compelled to lift his head to break the contact. His heart pumped furiously in his chest, threatening to jump out.

Noses still touching, hand entangled in the soft blond hair, he took in precious lungfuls of air which matched his mate's shaky breath. Jan inhaled through lips that were swollen and red like ripe, juicy summer strawberries.

A low guttural sound rumbled through Ethan's chest as the beast in him surged forward, trying to break out to claim his mate.

Fighting his primitive instinct, he tore his gaze away from the tempting scene.

But there was no sanctuary.

His eyes drifted up and met startingly clear silvery irises circling dilated pupils, which stared earnestly back at him. In them was a reflection of his own raw hunger.

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