Chapter 90 - Agreement

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A/N: MxM Sexual theme

"Mmn," Jan groaned weeks later as Ethan nibbled on his shoulder. The Lycan's canines had slightly extended, delightfully scraping Jan's fair skin without drawing blood. But rather than shying away from danger like any sensible, self-preserving vampire, he tilted his neck, exposing more sensitive flesh for his lover to ravage.

A shudder raced down his spine and his already drained shaft, softened from his last release, twitched in response. White sheets twisted around their entangled limbs, clothes littered wherever tossed, and a heady mix of sweat and musk scent hung in the air.

In the weeks since the Thanksgiving attack, a deadly frenzy had swept over the land. Nearly every territory, wolf or vampire, was on lockdown. Packs and clans closed their borders, investigating any past mishap which had so much as a questionable change in weather around it. And despite the council's best efforts to keep things under wraps, the call for blood and revenge grew louder as the news spread and more incidents came to light.

Tensions were rising. And after all these years, Jan could tell when the calm before the storm was about to break.

But within the confines of his bedroom, a different kind of fever was whipping up.

Ethan's palm traced a heated path down his naked body, circling teasing loops over his flushed skin and shooting tiny bolts of electricity straight to his crotch.

"Mng... Again?" Jan groaned. Dazed silver eyes fluttered up in bewilderment even as his legs spread open of their own volition, granting the mischievous fingers access.

"I've missed you," Ethan murmured. There was no hint of exhaustion in his deep husky voice from the three previous rounds they had enjoyed within the short hour since his arrival from school.

Corners of his lips tipped up, exposing sharp canines in a smile that could only be described as predatory. His wolf swam just beneath the surface, casting shadows on his face under the low light. And the hungry look he raked down Jan's body had his heart skipping a beat.

But fear was the last thing on the vampire's mind.

Jan's tongue flicked out to moisten lips swollen from unrelenting kisses. And hazel blood-tinged eyes trailed it like a beast watching his prey.

"You've been gone for only a few hours," Jan said in a hoarse voice. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the heat rush to his thickening shaft.

"Seven... seven long, agonizing hours," the wolf grumbled, shifting his weight to settle between Jan's welcoming thighs. "I left in the morning. It's past three now."

Toned, broad shoulders eclipsed Jan's vision, and that unique combination of sweet sanguine aroma wrapped under musky virile masculinity flooded his nostrils. His mouth promptly watered even as his cock snapped to attention, as though his body could not decide which hunger to satisfy first.

This was ridiculous.

How was it that after centuries of promiscuity across Europe and the Americas, the mere whiff of one person – a male Lycan no less - turned him into a sex-starved Dhampir? Since that fateful Thanksgiving evening, he had spent every night naked in Ethan's arms. Yet his desire for him was not abating; instead, it grew frighteningly out of control. At this rate, they would end up worse than rabbits during the spring mating season.

That last thought gave him pause. Frowning, he placed his hands against Ethan's powerful chest, stopping the wolf's roguish descent to his lips.

"How come you're home early?"He tried to shuffle out from under Ethan.

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