Chapter 127 - The harem

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Ethan swallowed a frustrated groan. He rubbed his temple, trying not to wince. For the better part of six hours, the two alphas and their wolves navigated the political circus with the wily council trying to trip them into agreeing to terms that favor the vampires. More than once, Ethan was sorely tempted to tell the clan leaders to shove their opinions where the sun did not shine.

Only Jan's restraining hand on his arm held him back.

In addition, he had to maintain several private and group conversations over the pack channel as the wolves discussed the advantages and disadvantages of every offer among themselves. Some warriors, like Zyga, seemed to exist solely to contradict Adams at every turn.

Ethan sighed. His head hurt, and his overtaxed brain was about to melt. In addition, the thick old moss and dank wood scent of so many vampires crammed into one room was starting to get on his nerves.

"I believe that concludes our agenda for today unless there's anything else I missed," Councilman Adams grumbled, suddenly improving the alpha's opinion of him. The vampire, however, was not too happy, going by the sour look on his face.

Ethan could not blame him. He would also have been mad if someone took away his bargaining chip right before a diplomatic talk. However, the alpha was unwilling to allow them to use his mate as leverage to chain werewolves to any unfavorable alliance.

"Ahem," Eisenhower's grating voice spoke from one end of the clan leaders' table. "There is one matter I wish to bring to the council's attention, and the distinguished guests, of course. It's high time to revisit the topic of withdrawing from Memphis. I believe our continued presence in the city is no longer beneficial or needed. For the past half-decade, the coven has not engaged in any illicit activity and has been transparent in its dealings with the outside world. The new High Priestess wishes to assume full autonomy and help her people move on, but the constant patrol of wolves and vampires in her town breeds an environment of fear among them."

Ethan's frown deepened. Five years was not enough time to forgive or forget what those hags did to his family, his mate, and his pack. And he never intended to trust them again.

"Why is he speaking up for the coven?" the alpha asked his cabinet over the channel.

"Maybe the High Priestess bribed him," Bruce responded. His white scars tightened around the eye patch as he scowled at Eisenhower.

Zyga tapped his thigh absentmindedly. "He doesn't have strong ties with the coven. He's more of a henchman for the European council."

"The Europeans cut ties with him after Adams forced him to kill their emissary five years ago," Eri added, eyeing the councilman. "When I spoke to Ivan, he mentioned the other clan leaders have kept their distance from him because of his involvement leading up to the Memphis Battle. With no local or foreign backers, I'm guessing he's become open to supporting the new High Priestess to gain an ally."

Ethan glanced at Levi, who subtly shook his head, indicating his objection to the proposal.

"Councilman Eisenhower," Joseph's started, interrupting the Lycan's silent discussion. "Jan Skyvar woke up about a month ago from his duel with the former priestess, which is why this meeting is happening in the first place. I have a warrior still recuperating underground after we rescued him from a coven warehouse. Mistress Celine just held a memorial for the hundreds of warriors she lost five years ago. Their families are still grieving. Why don't we ask their thoughts on letting the witches, who still believe in the Ascension Myth, run free?"

"I... I didn't mean... It's not..." Eisenhower's jowls flapped as he tried to rally up a defense.

Adams grinned kindly, though his smile did not reach his eyes. "Councilman Eisenhower, I don't think this is the appropriate time for that discussion."

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