Chapter 21 - Uncontrolled Emotions

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After their discussion in the cave, Jan led his brother and friend towards Ethan's house. It was a place where he had scouted so many times that he could map out that side of the territory blindfolded. But he did not lower his guard. A Lycan patrol could be skulking through these shadows.

The full moon was rising high, and the air was crisp and light. The forest itself was quiet as if it could sense the predators stalking among the trees. A perfect night for a hunt.

No twigs snapped, nor leaves shuffled as they walked. The only sound Jan heard was that of his heart pounding.

Silently, he took in a deep breath and forged on. He had done this many times. It was not his first hunt.

The trees parted ahead, and a sliver of the cabin came into view. Jan held up his hand to stop Ivan and Louie. This would do. They were far enough that their scents would not carry to the occupants. With a wave of his hand, he motioned Louie on.

The French vampire rolled his eyes but crept on, circling around the glade to the front of the house. Louie was not much of a fighter, but he was faster than the wolves: the perfect skill set to create a diversion.

He slipped out of sight, and Jan held his breath waiting.

Soon there was a commotion inside. A wolf barked, and others picked up the call. The main door slammed open, and four wolves burst out, charging away from Jan and Ivan.

Louie had succeeded. He would lead them on a wild goose chase.

Someone was still inside, though. An arm reached out and yanked the doors, bolting it close.

The blond vampire counted to twenty before motioning for Ivan to follow him. They sidled up to the building, taking care to stay out of the glare of light bulbs around the yard.

His blood brother tapped on his arm and pointed to a window that had been left ajar. The stainless-steel fridge and marble countertops indicated it was the kitchen. And it was empty.

Jan nodded, but just as the Russian put his palms on the frame to heave himself up, Jan's hand shot out, tapping Ivan to hold. He listened to the sounds floating in the wind.

There. A series of thumps, faint but in a familiar quadruped rhythm. Jan turned to the driveway, south of where Louie and the other wolves had disappeared. The thumping of sprinting paws grew closer and multiplied.

"How did they get here so fast?" Ivan hissed.

Jan was not sure himself. There was no way the rest of the pack could have arrived so quickly after the alarm was raised. But, before Jan could answer, the first wolf, a large black Lycan, rounded the end of the driveway.

Then more followed him.

The brothers could run, but that would mean leaving Louie behind: an option they would never consider, no matter how annoying the Frenchman was.

The leading warriors skidded and slowed when their eyes fell on the two vampires standing by the window.

"They must not have come here for us," Jan murmured, realizing that they had also taken the wolves by surprise. But that was little relief because they soon recovered and charged at him and Ivan.

The brothers sprang for the trees, where they could use the trunks and branches for protection.

The pack, led by the giant wolf with fur as dark as the night sky, chased them. Once again, the blond vampire was forced to fight the wolves since his arrival. At least, he had backup this time.

Jan slipped into fighting mode, letting his fangs and talons grow. Like they had done several times over the centuries, he scuttled up one of the pine trees, and Ivan climbed the next one. He stood on the branches watching the snapping jaws beneath him.

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