Chapter 77 - The Next Alpha

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Jan nearly chuckled at the comical scene in front of him.

Ethan's eyebrows were drawn down in confusion as his gaze whipped from one person to the other. Meanwhile, Breanna had her head bent, sporting an embarrassed pout.

When she dared to glance up with those large brown puppy eyes, the deadly stares aimed at her from Brent and Eri caused her to flinch. Then, shrinking further, she scooted away to hide behind Emily as if the human could protect her from two angry werewolves.

She reminded Jan of Louie when he had been caught making mischief.

Speaking of the Frenchman...

Glancing around, Jan found Louie standing innocently behind Ethan's friends, watching the events unfold. It was rare to see his baby-faced best friend not causing trouble of any kind. Pride bloomed in Jan's chest, and he made a note to let Ivan know how well-behaved Louie had been.

That is until the sneaky little Frenchman magicked a leather-bound hip-flask out of thin air and took a discreet swig. Then the bottled disappeared just as it came, leaving behind only a spot of red on Louie's lip to mark its presence.

He's incorrigible, Jan groaned internally.

Thankfully, the marching band below started playing, drawing everyone's attention down onto the turf. Screaming, the crowd outside whipped itself into a frenzy. Thousands of white and gray glow sticks littered the stadium, quivering like a colony of ants.

"They're about to start!" Cody yelled.

Ethan nudged Jan towards one of the chairs near the window. But the vampire's silvery gaze narrowed when he realized he had been boxed into the corner again by the horndog whose toothy grin showed little remorse.

Letting go, Ethan quickly shrugged out of his heavy winter coat and draped it over the back of one of the reclining leather chairs.

Jan immediately felt the heat loss around his fingers. But then he remembered he could not take off his coat because of the hickey on his neck, and his mood soured. So when Ethan reached out to reclaim his hand again, the usually composed vampire jerked away with an accusing glare.

However, that did not dim the spark in those hazel eyes. Instead, the devilish twinkle grew brighter, and Ethan stepped closer. A delicious shiver ran down Jan's spine as he remembered his doomed battle in the elevator, which had earned him the swollen lips and bruised neck in the first place.

He placed a hand on the broad chest to hold the werewolf at bay with a warning glare of his own.

Ethan grabbed it, wrapping it between his palms with a satisfied grin.

Jan sighed, realizing he had just played into his enemies' hands.

With this round lost, the combatants settled in their respective seats, but one could not even describe them as opposing corners. Jan was forced to take the chair right next to the vexing wolf since Ethan would not let go of his arm.

The possessive Lycan laid his prize on top of the armrests, separating their seats for all to see.

Eri, who had taken the recliner on Ethan's other side, glanced at their clasped hands and smirked. Then, he nudged Brent, who in turn elbowed Louie with a meaningful glare tossed their way.

This time, Jan did not hold back his frustrated groan. "Help me, Gaia!"

Had it been any of his previous dalliances, the centuries-old vampire would not have thought twice about walking out of this room and straight out of the territory. But for some reason, when it came to Ethan, all he could do was to sink further into his chair and turn a deaf ear to the whispers around him.

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