Chapter 101 - The Interrogation

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A/N: Trigger warning for torture and gore

Jan's hand ran in soothing circles down Ethan's back. With the promise that Namreeta had the care of the rescued wolves under control, the Lycans in the room simmered down. Growls silenced, and their claws retracted.

But no one retook their seats. And the eyes remained amber.

An eerie stillness spread through the room as if a silent assassin prowled amongst them. The tension in the air was so thick it set Jan's fine hair on end. And the vampire knew its source.

The arm Ethan wrapped around his waist was almost casual to the naked eye. But a sinister, predatory aura oozed off the alpha, an invisible, deadly cloud stalking its next victim.

Jan's skin prickled, just like last night when he had stepped between the two alphas. Even though he knew Ethan would never hurt him, the wolf's haunting bloodlust swirled around him, nearly drowning him with fear.

For an insane, brief moment, Jan truly felt sorry for the witches. At least Jan's intervention saved Ryden. But judging by the hard faces around the room, no one would beg mercy for the troublesome hags.

Zyga yanked at the knot of his midnight blue tie, nearly strangling himself in his haste. His emeritus status, a white tassel linking his shoulder to his breast, swang wildly with the motion. Four golden stars encircling a single wolf-head shone brightly against the dark sleeves of his tracker uniform. It was the insignia of the office of Zyga, the highest ranking beneath Ethan's, the sole voice of reason to challenge an alpha in times of darkness.

He should have been calming his protégé during this time. But with a vein ticking in his jaw, Zyga was battling his own fury.

Hence, the task fell to Jan.

"Ethan," he whispered, trying to push the alpha back onto the bed. "Sit down. Your anger is setting everyone off. We must be levelheaded to plan how best to get Cody back."

Though Ethan gave Jan a reassuring squeeze, the vampire's words entered one ear and came out the other with no visible effect.

"Ethan... er, Alpha Reyn. My brother is right," Ivan added, his voice over the speaker. "This thing is bigger than anyone imagined. We need to be rational and plan how to tackle it quickly, both vampires and wolves. Obviously, the raid happened before your brother's abduction, but we have a clue where he's being taken. We caught one of the witches alive and recorded the interrogation. Listen."

The screen flickered, capturing the attention of everyone in the room once again. The vanguard commander stopped pacing and drew closer, folding his arms as if to stop himself from doing anything rash.

Ivan's face disappeared, replaced by a small windowless room with bare white walls and ceiling-mounted LED lights. Jan recognized the holding cell in Ivan's training facilities, most likely from the base in Maryland.

In the center was a metal armchair bolted to the floor. The sole occupant of the room sat glumly in it, bound hand and foot to the legs of the chair. Her dark hair hung in thick braids around her face. It was the only covering she had.

Someone had stripped every stitch of clothing from her body, leaving her vulnerable and bare.

Her one good eye rolled wildly as she stared in fear at the vampire approaching her. The other was blackened and swollen shut. Blood dribbled down one nostril, joining the cut in her lower lip.

"She's from the coven on our southern border," Jane commented, scooting closer to the screen. "They braid shells in their hair to mark their rites of passage. This witch only has two: one for when she hit puberty and the other for when her powers manifested. She has yet to choose an affinity like combat, healing, etc."

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