Chapter 6 - Recovery

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Three days later, Ethan hobbled into his house, glad to be back in familiar territory. His mother followed, bringing in his bags from the hospital. However, he was surprised to find an unusual face working in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Bane?"

"Hi, Ethan, welcome back!" She came in a flurry of movement, her apron covered in remnants of the evening meal. Ethan raised an eyebrow at his mom over Meghan Bane's pinned hair while he returned her hug.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you. Meghan and Damien will be staying with us for a while," his mom explained, setting her purse on the table.


Mrs. Bane has a lovely home and a husband. Why will she want to stay here?

His eyes shifted from his mom to Mrs. Bane, who now stood next to him. "And Major Bane?"

An awkward silence filled the room, and his mom glanced sideways. "Why don't we get you settled-"

But Mrs. Bane interrupted her.

"Naomi, allow me. He'll find out soon enough." Placing gentle hands on his arm and back, she helped him to the sofa. She fluffed up pillows so he could lie back, and Ethan was grateful for the chance to ease the pressure on his torso. "You're aware that my husband returned from his trip last month?"

Ethan nodded. Major Roger Bane was the current Head Tracker. When not on training, he often traveled to assist other packs in hunting down mutual enemies or persons of interest. But his last trip was following the trail of a couple of wolves that recently went missing in their territory. Only after the major's return had Ethan's mother let slip that Alpha Ryden had not sanctioned the search. And that the major was facing the full brunt of his ire, especially since he also returned empty-handed.

Mrs. Bane sat in an armchair adjacent to him, dusting specks of flour out of her apron. She took a steadying breath.

"Well, he found his mate in North Dakota."

Ethan's eyebrows threatened to disappear into his hair, and a smile broke across his face. Whatever he had been thinking, this piece of good news was unexpected.

"What? That's aweso- oh!" Ethan's words died in his throat as the resulting predicament dawned on him.

Major Bane was close to Zyga's age, and he had found a mate after being married to a human for decades with an adopted child. So it seems Ethan's life was not the only one Luna toyed with.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Bane." Ethan could not imagine what she was going through. Finding a mate was supposed to be the happiest moment of every werewolf's life. But Ethan could not see a happy ending to this story.

"Is that why you went to the hospital?" Ethan remembered the afternoon he babysat his brother and Damien at the Bane's house. Both Damien and his mom had been upset. Unfortunately, Ben Ryden had thwarted his plans to get the details from Cody after they got home.

She nodded, tears falling freely now. "Roger didn't want to leave me to be with his mate, so he came back. Now, he's suffering from the bond madness because he rejected her. He didn't even recognize me on my last visit. I just couldn't watch him die. I had to call her."

"He's a good man." Mrs. Bane gave a soft smile, which trembled before disappearing. "I could not have asked for a better father for my son. And-" she sniffed. "And I know he wanted the best for us...."

She clamped a hand over her mouth, trying and failing her trembling lips.

Seeing Mrs. Bane's uncontrolled sobbing, Ethan wished he had not asked. He glanced at his mother, eyes pleading for help. She came over and patted their neighbor's back until her tears subsided.

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