Chapter 130 - Seeking Support

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Ethan tightened the velvet, navy robe around his waist as he strolled down the following morning. He had not wanted to leave his mate, but the loud grumbling of his empty belly might wake Jan up. And he needed to replenish his energy stores to feed his mate.

A familiar man rose from an armchair to Ethan's right as his bare feet descended the last three steps. "Ahem, good morning, Alpha."

An embarrassed grin spread on Ethan's face. "Morning, Simmons. Sorry, I forgot you were waiting. Kindly extend my sincere apologies to your team."

Captain Simmons cleared his throat again, trying to hide the smile on his lips. "None needed, Alpha. Just doing my job. Besides, the circumstances were... understandable."

"Understandable, my ass!" Eri griped, walking in from the living room. His short hair stood on end on one side, and the white shirt under his tracker's uniform looked crumpled as if he had slept in it. "You could've waited till we got home."

Surprised, Ethan stared at his friend. "What are you doing here? Thought you'll be at the motel."

Eri glared at him. "You dropped a pin last night, remember? We all thought something had happened to you, especially when Jan sprinted out. Everyone dashed here, nearly running people over in the street. Only to find out something happened alright, but it wasn't to you, Alpha."

Eri emphasized the last words, causing Ethan's ears to heat up. " Oh... You heard?"

Simmons lost the battle on his laughter. "Everyone did. Zyga, the cabinet, the Gray Oaks alpha..."

Ethan closed his eyes, though he could not wipe the smile on his face.

"Don't look so smug! Shadow's mad at you." Eri straightened his jacket with short jerks.

Ethan's hazel eyes flew open. "Where's she? I didn't see her last night."

"I believe she's out hunting for food or something," the captain of his guards answered. "I'll send someone to call her back."

While Simmons' gaze unfocused as he spoke over the channel, Eri griped in a manner most reminiscent of Zyga. "Poor girl howled after you and Jan abandoned her until we brought her here. She climbed upstairs, heard you both, and decided to spend the night under the stairs, which was good. At least she didn't have to listen to what you were up to. I need to find a church and wash my ears with holy water."

Ethan scoffed. Eri lost his innocence way before the alpha ever met Jan. Five years later, he and Brent had not slowed their marathon on women.

"Aww, c'mon. You're just mad that I got some, and you slept alone," Ethan teased, tossing an arm around his best friend.

Eri sniffed. "It's bro code, Ethan. I'm your wingman. You can't make a move and then cockblock me at the same time. I mean, you could have made the girls stay the night, at least. I heard one was a belly dancer!"

Ethan vaguely remembered the minx Lady Bryant had trained. He had indeed told Simmons to clear the house. However, he felt little remorse over it. "It's not my fault they left last night. I gave them a few days to get their affairs in order."

The captain chuckled. "Chris came and rushed them out in the middle of the night, Alpha. Your mate ordered him to get the girls out within an hour and put the lady on the next plane to England."

"Oh," Ethan answered. His smug grin grew wider. "See, Eri? It wasn't my fault. C'mon, let's go get some breakfast."

His irritated friend scowled. "You'll have to wait. I ordered delivery."

Ethan paused. "What happened to the chef Lady Bryant boasted of?"

"He did." Eri nodded towards the dining room. "He said Louie was too friendly with the chef."

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