Chapter 68 - Slow-Roasted Pork

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Bam! Bam! Bam! A loud banging yanked Ethan out of sleep. He groaned, burying his head deeper into the pillows. It felt like he had just shut his eyes after spending the entire night listening for Jan's return.

"Hold it! " he grumbled.

He tossed the sheets off, squinting at the bright glare of the sun streaming through his windows. He glanced at his phone lying next to his pillow.

Eleven forty-eight AM. If Jan had returned, he would be sleeping by now. The rude knocking started again with renewed effort.

Is Zyga trying to wake up the dead?

He dragged himself from the bed and rubbed his eyes, shuffling barefoot towards the door. As soon as it cracked open, two untamed hooligans pushed their way into his suite and pounced on him.

Brent grabbed his head and stuffed it under his armpit while Eri pulled his pants down to his ankles, tripping him.

"Hey!" Ethan exclaimed, trying to push his friend off while working his legs through the tangle. But the battle was lost even before it began.

"Wakey wakey," Brent chanted.

With his head trapped in the tall boy's iron grip, Ethan stumbled into the living room, half-bent over and trying not to breathe in the sweaty smell of his friend's unwashed pits. Eri followed, cackling gleefully while he smacked the trapped Lycan's bare bottom with each step.

Ethan elbowed Brent, and his friend jerked sideways with a grunt, loosening his grip just enough for him to slip free.

"You jackasses!" Ethan yelled. He rubbed his nose and air-spat, trying to get his friend's stench out his nostrils. "I need to introduce you to a stick of deodorant."

He turned to give Eri an earful and came face-to-face with a smaller female version of the Johnsons. Her long kinky hair was brushed back and coiffed in a giant afro puff behind her head, and two gold hoops dangled in her ears. And her eyes glinted as they took in all of his naked glory.

"Oh," he cried, dropping down. He scrambled to pull up his pants with one hand while he covered his naughty bits with the other.

"You dick," he cussed at Eri.

"Yep, she saw yours," his friend replied serenely like a sage stating mere facts, devoid of shame or apology.

Brent's sister stepped closer, offering her hand while her eyes ogled him. "Hi, I'm Breanna. Nice package."

Ethan's face turned an embarrassed red as he tied the strings of his pajamas tight, securing it in place.

But before he could respond, her older brother retorted. "Eww, back off. Paws off my friend."

"Bruh, chill. He's got a mate anyways," she threw back.

Eri did a quick tour of his room on the spot, whistling softly. Boy, I gotta say. You're living like a king up in here."

"Yeah, I didn't know your people had that much paper. I would've moved in earlier," Brent added, ignoring his scowling sister.

"You wish!" Breanna scoffed. "Dad would never let your dumb ass out of the house."

"Well, we here now, ain't we?"

"Only 'cause Dad and Mom got busy, and you whined like a baby."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Okay, okay. Guys!" Ethan interrupted, starting to get a headache.

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