Chapter 115 - The Plea

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Later that night, Ethan shuffled through the empty halls of Jan's new home, heading to his bedroom. Technically, he was still in the tunnel that connected the two houses. However, Ivan's architect had extended the decor of the main cabin to the new quarters, making it seem like a single continuous home.

Though underground, the walls had the same cream paint framed by a lacquered wood finish of the alpha's official home. Elegantly arched scones mounted on dark beams threw soft light on his path. They brightened the coffee and gold hardwood floors that Ethan used to love in his old bedroom.

However, just like his former room, their warm tones failed to elicit any joy in the alpha's heart. Everything was cold and bland to him. No place felt like home while his mate lay unresponsive in a mound of earth.

Ethan's pocket buzzed.

He pulled out his cell, frowning as his red eyes flew over the message on his screen. After a few quick taps, his brother's voice answered. "Alpha?"

"Don't alpha me, Cody!" He barked. "General Waller and Zyga have trained you since your first moon. They're the best amongst our warriors. And you have better control of your wolf than I did at your age. Why don't you want to test out of the unstable level?"

"I dunno. Being in the forest alone... it's scary."

The fearful note in his brother's voice ground Ethan's gears.

Cody had been doing so well. After years of therapy, he and Damien had almost returned to their old, playful selves. They had even dared to prank Ethan and the native wolves.

Then, Cody found his wolf two years ago.

Though his first transformation was less agonizing than Ethan's, the torture was enough to trigger his old fears. He relapsed into a frightened boy plagued with panic attacks. Since then, it became a constant battle to push Cody through his fears.

The alpha ground his teeth, holding back a frustrated groan. He was failing at training his brother to be a good warrior. "Cody, trust your wolf. There's nothing in the forest that you can't handle. You come from a long line of alphas who defended this pack with their lives, proud warriors who gave their all to keep us safe. Now, it's our turn. I need your help to protect everyone. Are you going to let someone touch Damien because you're scared?"

"No." The answer came readily enough, but Cody's voice was still too mellow. Ethan needed to hear the confidence, the absolute conviction that he could face anyone who stood in his way.

"I can't hear you, Cody. Are you going to let someone hurt Mom because you're afraid to go into the forest?

"No, Alpha!"

"That's it, Bud. We do what we have to do 'cause we're Reyns. We protect this territory because the pack is family."

"And family is the pack."

"That's right, Bud." As much as Ethan hated to think about it, he needed his brother to be ready to take over from him in case something happened. His body was failing, and he was not guaranteed the following day. They were running out of time. "Now, I need you to remember that during your test, Cody. I'll be there, waiting for you to return with the victory flag."

"You're coming to the training hall? Oh no!" his brother groaned.

"Why not?"

"Because you're Dragonlord Reyn! Girls lose their shit over your red eyes. And Shadow follows you everywhere!" Ironically, Cody's voice grew stronger when listing his brother's distracting points.

"I'm not Dragonlord!" Ethan snapped. Then, he eyed the native she-wolf trotting by his feet with a stolen bone firmly secured in her jaws. Despite her snowy coloring, she had earned that name because she stuck to him like a shadow. Cody had also named her brothers Ghost and Alaska: one hunted like a silent spirit while the other reminded him of an Alaskan wolf he had seen on TV. "Fine, I'll stay in the truck until the hunt has started. Don't worry about anything else. Just remember you can do this, and I'll be there waiting for you, alright?"

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